Q&A with Jared

The annunciation to Zechariah

Jerusalem during the second temple period

Jared invites us to come and visit him.

Question 1: In the Gospel there is Jesus goes into the temple area and turns over the tables. Where int eh temple was this?

Question 2a: Where was Zechariah when he received his annunciation?

Question 2b: Where was Zechariah standing when the Angel Gabriel appeared to him?

Question 2c: Where did Zechariah offer the incense?

Question 3: What were the sacrifices that were made at the temple?

Question 4: What about Iconography in the Jewish culture?

Question 5: Did children accompany their parents to the temple?

Question 6: Going on pilgrimage sounds like an expensive business for some families. Did how well off you were influence how often you could go on pilgrimage?

Question 7: Longing for a place.

Question 8: Following the destruction, was there an effort to rebuild the temple?

"Yehi Shalom" (from Psalm 122) by Neshama Carlebach

Music played during the assent from the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount

Visualization of the reconstruction of the Second Temple by King Herod