Virtual Advent Retreat

Prepare the way to welcome Jesus into our lives


To welcome Jesus into our world and lives

This year to prepare us for the birth of our saviour Jesus, we are offering an online retreat where we will be visiting some of the Holy sites in Jerusalem, Nazareth, the Judean desert and Bethlehem virtually with a tour guide in the Holy Land.

We will also have 5 lectures by various Holy Land based Jewish and Christian scholars to deepen our understanding of our faith and the Holy Scriptures and we will have the opportunity to interact with the lecturers.

To round off each weekend of activities, there will be an opportunity of guided spiritual reflection - either individually or in a group on the relevance of what we have heard and what this means for us in our relationship with God and with one another.

Tour (Saturday 14.00-15.30 Geneva Time):

  • 90 minutes excursion with a local tour guide (Holy sites in Jerusalem, Nazareth, the Judean desert and Bethlehem).

Lecture and spiritual reflection (Sunday 14.00-16.00 Geneva Time):

  • A lecture by a biblical scholar based in the Holy Land and guided spiritual reflection.

The session

  • 65 min - Lecture and Q&A

  • 10 min - Break

  • 10 min - Guided Spiritual Reflection

  • 15 min - Personal prayer

  • 10 min - Sharing (No obligation only share if you feel comfortable sharing)

  • 05 min - Closing prayer

The retreat as a whole focuses on Preparing the way, and the lectures and tours for each weekend explore a specific theme in preparation for the birth of Jesus.

You are welcome to join us for the entire retreat, a weekend or a single session as each tour and lecture can also be of benefit on its own.

Introduction of our tour guides and lecturers:

Tour guides based in the Holy Land

Jared Goldfarb - Based in Jerusalem

Originally from the woods of New Hampshire, USA, Jared moved to Jerusalem in 1996 not long after completing his degree in Russian Theater at Brandeis University. After then studying at Machon Pardes, the Hartman Institute, and the National Tour guide Course, he served for 8 years as the Program Director of Ta Shma: Pluralistic Jewish Learning. He now works as a freelance Jewish/Israel educator for numerous institutions around the country. Besides working as a tour guide, Jared is also a theatre addict, an avid biker, and an environmental activist.

Hana Bendcowsky - Based in Jerusalem

Hana Bendcowsky, an Israeli Jew from Jerusalem with a M.A. degree in Comparative Religion from Hebrew University and 14 years of practical experience in interfaith activities in Israel and abroad, is in charge of overseeing the daily running of the Center’s diverse educational programs, contributes to the preparation of educational materials in Hebrew, and teaches in the Center’s various educational programs. In addition to being the program director of the Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian Relations, Hana works as a free lance tour educator in Jerusalem for groups involving over 1,500 individuals a year, mainly Israeli Jews and primarily study tours in the Christian Quarter.

Ghada Boulos - Based in Nazareth

Ghada was born in Nazareth to a Greek Catholic family and then baptized into the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. At the age of 18, she joined the Salvatorian Sisters congregation in Nazareth as a postulant. Ghada has been a member of the Nazareth Municipal Choir for four years. Ghada’s tours and lectures are accompanied by singing whenever possible. In 1997, after years of working in various jobs, Ghada began her academic studies at Haifa University, in the Departments of Biblical Archaeology and Land of Israel Studies. While enrolled in the Department of Land of Israel Studies, Ghada was awarded a Certificate of Excellence as an outstanding student in the Department. In 2001, Ghada completed her training as a registered tour guide at the Haifa University School of Tourism. Ghada began working as a tour guide about 10 years ago. Ghada’s guiding focuses on human beings, their beliefs, their material and spiritual culture, traditions and customs. Most of her tours are focused on the Christian religion, the history and ritual of the various rites and ethnic communities in Nazareth.

Kamal Mukarker - Based in Bethlehem

Is a licensed tour guide in the West Bank for the German, English and Arabic speaking tourists. He has been working as a tour guide for the last 10 years. He first graduated from Talitah Kumi a German Lutheran school. after which he studied accounting in Bethlehem University a Catholic University, in Germany in the city of Ingolstadt achieved his MBA Masters in International project Management, and did his further studies in USA in the city of Boston as a Certified Public Accountant. Kamal worked in Bethlehem University as a lecturer and a project manager for a World Bank project in the area of business incubation, where after that he diverted to tourism as that is the field where he did find himself explaining and lecturing about his Christian community in specific and about peace in the holy land in general and teaches at the bible collage the tour guide course. His focus is on the biblical geography, history of the land, and life in Palestine, he is married and a father of four 3 girls and a boy. Kamal is also a basketball player in the Palestinian league and trains women and young men basketball.

Lecturers based in the Holy Land

Dr. Deborah Weissman - Based in Jerusalem

Born in New York City, Debbie settled in Israel in 1972. Her Ph.D. is from the Hebrew University on the social history of Jewish women's education. She is one of the founding members of Kehillat Yedidya, an Orthodox synagogue in Jerusalem's Bak'a neighborhood which integrates Halacha (Jewish religious law) with feminism, tolerance and pluralism. Debbie is involved with Jewish religious feminism, interfaith dialogue and the religious peace movement.

Rev. Dr. David Neuhaus - Based in Jerusalem

Fr. David Neuhaus is a Jesuit priest, who was born in South Africa, but has lived most of his life in Israel. He holds an M.A. and PhD in Political Science from Hebrew University, and Pontifical License from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. As a professor he is teaching at the Ratisbonne Seminary, Bethlehem University, and the Seminary of the Latin Catholic Patriarchate. David Neuhaus was the Patriarchal Vicar for Hebrew-speaking Catholics for 8 years, between 2009 and 2017, and the Coordinator of the Pastoral Care for migrant workers and asylum seekers in Israel.

Dr Marcie Lenk - Based in Jerusalem

Dr. Marcie Lenk devoted her intellectual life and career to organizing educational programs and teaching Jews and Christians (and people of other faiths) to understand and appreciate the basic texts, ideas, history and faith of the other. She lives in Jerusalem, where she currently serves as the Academic Director of Institute Saint-Pierre de Sion, Ratisbonne: Bat Kol Christian Institute for Jewish Studies. She teaches patristics at the Studium Theologicum Salesianum at Ratisbonne Monastery, and Jewish and Christian texts at Ecce Homo Convent, and the Tantur Ecumenical Institute. For the last six years she served as director of Christian leadership programs at the Shalom Hartman Institute.

She received her Ph.D. at Harvard University in 2010 with a dissertation entitled, The Apostolic Constitutions: Judaism and Anti-Judaism in the Construction of Christianity, and earned an M.T.S. from Harvard Divinity School, as well as an M.A. in Bible and B.A. in Mathematics and Jewish Studies from Yeshiva University. Dr. Lenk has lectured in Europe, Israel, and the United States, and has taught Early Christianity, Hebrew Bible, and Rabbinic Literature at institutions such as Boston University and City College of New York, as well as at Jewish and Christian seminaries in Israel and the United States.

Rev. Dr. Yohanna Katanacho - Based in Nazareth

Rev. Yohanna Katanacho is currently a full professor of Biblical Studies and academic dean at Nazareth Evangelical College. He is a Palestinian Israeli Evangelical who studied at Bethlehem University (B.Sc.), Wheaton College (M.A.) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M. Div.; Ph.D.). He has authored many books in English and Arabic including "The Land of Christ: A Palestinian Cry". Dr. Katanacho is an Old Testament editor for Arabic Contemporary Commentary and Asia Bible Commentary. He is also one of the authors of the Palestinian Kairos Document. Rev. Katanacho is married to Dina, the director of the Arab Israeli Bible Society, and they have three boys: Immanuel, Jonathan, and Chris.

Ursula Mukarker - Based in Bethlehem

Ursula is the general manager of the organization “Wings of Hope for trauma” in Bethlehem since 2011, a holder of three master degrees in Translation and Political Science from the Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms University, Bonn- Germany, in Community Mental Health from Al Quds University Abu-Dies, and in Clinical Psychology from Al-Najah University. For the last ten years Ursula is a trainer and supervisor in Psycho-traumatology. Part of her work is raising awareness about mental health issues, especially trauma in Palestine and its effects in society, she also works to enhance the social and psychological environment in her community. She believes in the principles of human rights, gender equality, integrity, transparency, and combating all forms of violence. She is married, a mother of two girls Leen and Zeina, lives in the city of Bethlehem and belongs to its Christian community.

This retreat is created in partnership between the Tantur Ecunemical Institute based in Jerusalem, the Ignatian Spirituality Community in Geneva, the Ignatian Spirituality Center in Glasgow and the John XXIII Parish in Geneva.

Suggested donation of CHF 20 per session.

Everyone is welcome and please do not let the suggested amount prevent you from joining. Please pay what you can afford for the sessions. If you find that the retreat is worth more than the suggested amount and you can afford the extra donation, your contributions for the people of the Holy Land is appreciated.

Please know that your contribution will support the guides leading us to the holy sites as well as the lecturers sharing their knowledge and passion. Many have lost their livelihood during this pandemic year. We have much to learn from our sisters and brothers especially in the Holy Land.

To minimize bank charges please submit one amount as payment for all the sessions you will be attending.

For payment options please use our Donations page which can be found here.

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