23andMe Imports - via 529Renew
Full Chromosome and ICW/Triangulation data is currently unable to be collected directly from 23andMe. However, the Chrome browser extension can provide us with a limited amount of ICW/Trainagulation information.
Using the 529Renew Browser Extension for ICW / Triangulation data
529Renew is an extension for the Chrome web browser created to facilitate a targeted collection of "triangulation" data from 23andme. Note that this is not a full triangulation, where every SNP is compared between all three people, but simply where matching segments overlap. In the large majority of cases this will indicate proper triangulation, but be cautious in situations where multiway comparisons do not seem logical.
Go to Family & Friends, and View all DNA Relatives. (This is also "DNA Relatives" under quick links on your home page).
With 23andMe you can view all of the individuals in the closest 1500 or 2000 DNA matches who have some type of sharing set in 23andMe. Be aware that some relatives may not have any kind of sharing available, others will share DNA segments only with "connected" relatives. Opening the "DNA Relatives" page should also load the "529Renew Results" tab in the background - do not close this tab, it is needed for many parts of the process.In the left column under “Filters” click on “Profile features and activity” to expand this filter. Check the box for “Showing ancestry results.” This will limit the display to people who you can actually get triangulation results from.
Choose a sorting method that matches your situation.
For the first time through, it is reasonable to sort by Percent Related so you do your closer relatives first because you might get frustrated and quit before you get through 1,000 relatives!
Note: If you have been lucky enough to test both of your parents, doing a full save of all matching segments (not just triangulation - overlapping segments) between each of your parents and yourself, will include everyone. No need to do the rest of your matches because they are related to either your father or your mother and any segments shared with you will also be shared with one or the other parent. If you have tested just one parent, triangulate with them, and then proceed with the next steps for anyone who does not have a side allocated to them.Right click on a match name and select “Open in new Tab”. Work one match at a time, 23andMe servers will boot you out if you attempt to do this on more than one match at a time - receiving "error 429" is the most common sign of this. It is usually OK to open up another tab or two to prepare for the next relative, but make sure you are collecting triangulation/segment data for only one person at a time.
Make sure the "529Renew Results" tab is open in the background and ensure that this tab remains present in your browser, otherwise the process will not complete. Code attached to this tab is what handles all database actions. If you delete it by accident then the segment collection process will hang. To continue, click on the "Open 529renew" button, refresh the hung tab and repeat the triangulation operation.
Scroll to the bottom of the page. If the first page of “Relatives in Common” table is not visible, click “View Relatives in Common”.
If the relative table has black “Not available” for Shared DNA, skip that person—it’s not going to triangulate (if the filter is working correctly, you shouldn’t run into this problem).Click the button to “Triangulate into 529Renew.” With a normal click, this method returns ONLY DNA segments that are shared (overlap) with at least two other individuals. However, if you shift-click, it will also return DNA segments that are shared between the target pair of relatives, but not the profile person.
The button will change to say, “Submitting Comparisons...” ["Collecting DNA Segments..." from V1.2] and depending on the number of shared matches can take between 5 seconds and several minutes to process before completing. Running a comparison with a parent may take an hour or more due to the sheer number of matches shared. You will be able to see how far through the match it is by watching the active page number at the bottom of the list (active page number is dark grey in colour).
If you think there has been a mistake in the data recorded, then pressing Alt while you click will force a re-read of all relatives' data - otherwise it will save time by skipping any that have already been read into the database.Once your first match is complete the button changes to "Triangulation into 529renew completed". You can either repeat from step 4, or continue to step 9.
Click on the tab named "529Renew Results" to bring it to the front so that you can examine/export your database. You could also press the button to “Open 529Renew” but that is designed to select the single relative on whose page the button was found - be careful that using this button will also reset the results tab and stop any segment collection that may be underway. You may decide to do this after your first comparison to make sure your database is being populated correctly.
If you have done triangulations for all of your matches, suggest you change the sort to Newest Relatives and note who the newest person is for future reference. Then at a later date if you want to come and update new matches, sort by Newest Relatives and proceed until you get to the person who was newest the last time you did triangulations.
Examine your data
On the "529Renew Results" tab of your browser, select the relative of interest under ‘Show matches of’. When your list has grown very large, use the "Optional match filter" box to enter a restriction term and press "enter". Now the "show matches of" dropdown will have only those relatives matching the name filter. Use the percent character as a wildcard: for example "Jo%" will match anybody whose display name starts with "Jo", such as Joanna, or John etc.
Display Mode should usually be left as "Match and Overlapping Segment Links"
Select "All" as the Chromosome, or pick a specific one if you want to narrow your search.
Click on "Create Match Table" to list the stored matching segments for the chosen relative. You can then chose a particular matching segment between two people, click on the "show overlapping segments" button at the end of that line and it will then display all relatives who match either or both of those relatives on segments overlapping the first. It first lists a table, then has a graphical display.
Exporting Your Data for Import
On "529Renew Results" tab of your Chrome browser select ALL from ‘Show matches of’, and make sure "chromosome" is set to "All"
Click Download CSV, save this file where you can find it easily. From version 1.2, the default is to save only "new" results, which is those obtained on or after the date of a previous CSV save. A shift-click will write a CSV file with all available data. An alt-click will include an artifical "chromosome 100" table, which is just a record that each pair of testers were noted - if they have no actual chromosome segments listed elsewhere then at least one of the testers was not making their DNA details available. That information is not imported into GDAT.
In GDAT, select “Load 23andMe triangulations” from the Import menu for 529Renew (or 529andYou) and load this file
Wait for the import to complete, monitoring the progress message at the bottom of the GDAT window.
When complete, review the import message and log file and click “Close” when done.