Downloading and Importing FTDNA

via DNAGedcom Client

Downloading the Data Files

From within the Client, select “Gather” and then “Family Tree DNA”

  1. Enter Kit No and password, then click Login*.
    You can choose to have the client remember your log in details if you desire.
    Once successfully logged in, change the drop down at "A" to the name of the kit. Not changing the drop down to the name will result in wasted time and empty files.

  2. Select the options you wish to gather; default settings are shown in the image.

  3. Click on the Gather DNA Data button. When complete, it will write up to four files depending on your settings

* If you receive an error message implying that your log in details are incorrect, DNAGedcom has advised to do nothing, wait for about 5 minutes, and try again. It should work on the second attempt. This is due to an FTDNA process.

Gathering matches for the very first time can take many hours, or even days depending on how many matches you have and how many options you have ticked. Be patient.

If you have done a download within approximately a week, the gathers may appear to be small, but it will be scanning new matches only, however the resulting file should still contain all the data.

Importing the Data to GDAT

  1. In GDAT, select “FTDNA Family Finder File” from the DNAGedcom import selection.

  2. Select the file named {kit}_Family_Finder_Matches.csv
    Monitor the progress bar and review the message box that is presented when complete. Click “Close” when done.

  3. Next, select FTDNA Chromosome Browser File from the DNAGedcom import selection.

  4. Select the file named {kit}_ChromosomeBrowser.csv
    Monitor the progress bar and review the message box when complete.

  5. Next, select “FTDNA ICW File” from the DNAGedcom import selection.

  6. Select the file named {kit}_ICW.csv
    Monitor the progress bar and review the message box when complete.

  7. (Optional) To import the tree file, select “4. Family Finder Trees” from the DNAGedcom import selection and select the file named {kit}_Family_Finder_Trees.csv.
    Monitor the progress bar and review the message box when complete.

It is possible that not all tree records will be imported. If GDAT cannot determine the path, it will ignore those records. The underlining of a Relative’s name will indicate an Ahnentafel is present in that relative’s record.