Status Settings
This information is database specific, meaning that different databases can have different Status settings according to your personal needs.
As such, the status settings you apply in this database will potentially be different to those that you apply to other databases. Any custom status created will not carry over to other databases.
Status Settings
There are 16 status that are default, and additional custom status can be added.
All status have a Hide and No Delete setting.
Hide set to true means that those relatives will be hidden from the Chromosome view unless the Hidden box is ticked. This option can be toggled by the user as desired.
No Delete set to True means that this status can not be deleted from the database. A status with a No Delete of False can be deleted from the database. This option can not be changed by the user.
A right click (Control-Click on Mac) on this table gives the sub-menu of
Add Status
Delete Status
Reset Defaults
Reset Defaults does at it says and resets all inbuilt status options to their default.
Resetting the defaults will result in the deletion of any custom status.
Adding a Custom Status
To create your own custom status, right click (Control-Click on Mac) on the panel and click "Add Status".
The default name of the new status will be "Name Me".
Click on this and edit the name to your liking. A custom status has Hide and No Delete set to False by default. Toggle the Hide status if desired.
Deleting a Status
Any status with No Delete set to False can be deleted, but all relatives with that status will be reset to "New". This is not able to be changed by the user.
Note: Although the Status list show on the Preferences page is not in alphabetical order, Status options are shown alphabetically in the drop down list in other areas of the program.