Gmail FAQ: Answers To Most Asked Questions About Gmail

Frequently asked questions when signing up for a Gmail account. Answer the most frequently asked questions when you sign up for Gmail.

1. Is there any difference between Gmail and Email?

Google is the brand name of an email service provider, whereas email is the name of a generic email service. Email is a fish, and Gmail is a whale, to help you comprehend. Check out the best email service here.

2. One person can only register one Gmail account, right?

Are not. One person can register multiple Gmail accounts

3. Is Gmail account different from Youtube account?

Gmail account is also Youtube account and vice versa. Or to be precise, Gmail and Youtube services as well as Google Maps, Google Play ... all use Google accounts to log in.

So you can use your Gmail account to sign in to other Google services

4. Is Gmail age-restricted?

Gmail mandates that users must be at least 13 years old to open an account.

5. I don't have a phone number, can I sign up for Gmail?

Absolutely OK. But sometimes you register multiple accounts on one computer will have to confirm. However, you can use one phone number to register for multiple Gmail accounts, or borrow the phone number of a relative. See instructions on how to sign up for a Gmail account without phone number verification

6. How many messages can a Gmail account receive and send?

Very very much. When you sign up for a Gmail account, you get 15 GB of storage. However, this 15GB will be shared by other Google services such as Google Drive, Google Photos, etc.

7. Gmail login address

To make it easier to remember, log in to Gmail at 1 of 2 addresses: or