I work in music and usually store all the stem files (audio files) for my projects in google drive. today I was trying to download a folder full of audio files onto my hard drive, but ran into a bizarre issue - the pop up window says it's zipping the folder, and upon finishing folder displays the message 'download ready.' Then it just disappears! nothing actually downloads, and I haven't been able to fix the issue,

Sorry, I think I was only 50% correct in what I told you. I remembered this morning that I have got two, almost identical, zip100 parallel port external drives (Model Number: Z100P2), which we can call #1 and #2.

Google Drive Zips But Doesn 39;t Download

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It still works under Debian Lenny. The only significant difference I can find is that Deb still calls IDE drives /dev/hd? and SCSI emulated drives /dev/sd?, while Opensuse lists both IDE and SCSI emulated drives as /dev/sd?. In Lenny, my zip drive is /dev/sda4. When I installed Opensuse, my zip was designated /dev/sdc4 and worked flawlessly for about a year, then suddenly quit. /dev/sdc4 was removed from the /dev directory. hwinfo --zip no longer detects the zip drive.

Have you loaded the kernel modules ppa and imm together? They may conflict. Try removing both with the commands rmmod ppa and rmmod imm with the zip drive turned off. Then plug the zip drive back in and see 5)

When I installed Opensuse, /etc/fstab was written to include an entry for /dev/sdc4 mounted at /media/zip. /dev/sdc4 was created also. Sometime since the installation, /dev/sdc4 has been removed, and Opensuse no longer recognizes the zip drive.

I have tried loading the modules individually (removing one before trying the other). The only module that loads is ppa; imm does not load. I have tried loading the two modules at the same time (first ppa then imm and first imm then ppa) and still only ppa loads. I have also tried all the above power to the zip drive and with power turned off.

Can you confirm that you are using an external ZIP drive that plugs into the parallel printer port (usually coloured red/magenta) on the back of the PC and not the rather similar looking SCSI variant which may require its own SCSI card (I think)?

Can you confirm that the ZIP drive is the only thing hanging off the printer port? In other words you are not passing through something else to get to the ZIP nor passing though the ZIP to get to something else.

As I mentioned before, I had to use imm and ppa as appropriate for my two ZIP drives and they were supposed to be the same model. Without other information available it could be, as I said then, that you have a third firmware variant which neither imm nor ppa supports.

7-Zip doesn't know folder path of drop target. Only Windows Explorer knows exact drop target. And Windows Explorer needs files (drag source) as decompressed files on disk. So 7-Zip extracts files from archive to temp folder and then 7-Zip notifies Windows Explorer about paths of these temp files. Then Windows Explorer copies these files to drop target folder.

I've been told that I can use a standard Zip drive with my ST, which I want to add to it, and my friend has an STE that he wants to add one too, so, what is needed to do this? Is there an adapter available or that can be made to connect it to the DMA port? I can directly (with an adapter or other) connect a Zip drive to the ST without going through an ICD or other HD controller/adapter can't I?

That was a bit confusing guys; first it seemed like you said that I'd use the parallel port, then you say I need to use a DMA to scsi host adapter. So, I'm guessing, from the confusing responses, and correct me if I am wrong and please verify if I am right, I COULD use the parallel port, but I'd still need some type of "interface" due to the bidirectional problem, BUT, I can easily attach a scsi Zip drive with a standard host adapter like the ICD one...right? My friend actually already has a zip drive that he has been using with an ICD host adapter THROUGH his Hard drive with one or the other working as a slave and he wanted to get rid of the old Hard drive and just have the Zip drive attached. So, he could then just get rid of the HD and have his Zip drive connected to his ICD host adapter (dma-scsi)? I would also need something similiar? I already have a BMS-100 and adaptec 4000 interface/controller, so I could probably hook it up through that too, as long as the Zip drives (for both of us) are scsi zip drives...right?

I may just go with a syquest drive as you do, since I don't have either yet, but I think my friend would still wnat to use his zip drives that he already has, whcih, I assume, are indeed scsi if he has them currently attached through his harddrives anyway.

Yes, you can hook up a ZIP drive via a WB Link 96/97, ICD Link 2 or AdSCSI host adapter. These plug into the ACSI port of the ST. You'll need Centronics 50 to 25 pin adapter to hook the ZIP up to the host adapter.

It is feasible to connect a ZIP drive with a centronics/parallel interface to the ST. But not easy at all. As some already said, the ST port lacks some signals and functionality that is needed by such devices as a ZIP drive.

However (and perhaps, just for the record) I remember reading that somebody developed and sold a full blown centronics interface for the ST cartridge port. I don't know if it still available (guess it's not), but even if you can get the adapter you still need a special driver that probably was never written.

heres the info on the product; it says it supports parity generation? my idea is to pair it with an internal scsi zip /w 50pin ribbon cable and make some type of case for it; ill still need to power the drive somehow tho; hmm

extracting .zip archive to a webdav mapped network drive doesn't preserve the timestamps. I have -mta enabled . By default, mapped network drive doesn't have a date created timestamp. When using this syntax to extract the contents of the zip file, the date modified and date accessed becomes the current local time of date modified and date accessed inside the mapped network drive.

at first create small example zip 

that preserves modified timestamp in local extracting and doesn't preserves modified timestamp for mapped drive.

Then try another ways to write similar files to mapped drive.

Check that it's possible to preserves modified timestamp with some program.

Then write here that example that shows that some program can preserve timestamp and 7-zip doesn't preserve timestamp.

The only program that preserves the date accessed and date modified is file manager+ ( =com.alphainventor.filemanager&hl=en&gl=US) but only when the zip archive is witin android and extracted from WITHIN android then the date modified is preserved. But when copying the zip archive to a mapped network drive on windows and extracted from windows, the date modified isn't preserved no matter if i use 7zip or winzip or even winrar

The only program that preserves the date accessed and date modified is file manager+ ( =com.alphainventor.filemanager&hl=en&gl=US) but only when the zip archive is witin android and extracted from WITHIN android then the date modified is preserved. But when copying the zip archive to a mapped network drive on windows and extracted from windows, the date modified isn't preserved no matter if I use 7zip or winzip or even winrar. Do you also mean only for files or for directories as well ?

But when copying the zip archive to a mapped network drive on windows and extracted from windows, the date modified isn't preserved no matter if I use 7zip or winzip or even winrar. Do you also mean only for files or for directories as well ?

If someting doesn't work as you expect, then find minimal example

for bad case. For example, try only one file in archive or one directory in archive (if one file works without problem). And try it with simplest non-working feature, for example, check only modified timestamp, if it doesn't work.

Try all tests with different programs with that minimal example that doesn't work.

If most popular programs do not preserve timestamp, then it's some common problem that is not related to 7-zip only.

Try to specify exact conditions of your case, for example, specify exact way how you map network drive, what software and systems are used in client and server parts of network connection.

Select related keywords for your case and try to google that problem case.

For example, archive contains only one file with path name folder\1.txt

that archive doesn't contain folder item.

but when you extract folder\1.txt file, 7-zip creates folder\ and then places 1.txt to that created folder\ folder;

I made a zip file with 7zip and saved it to the internal storage of my android phone through a mapped network drive in a dummy test folder. I used 7zip command line to extract the folders to another test folder to my C drive, I compared the folder timestamps and the date accessed is updated to the current system time. The stored date accessed in the zip file was not preserved after extraction. I used the following syntax:

I'm not able to download Compiled zip files from google drive. I have an folder with a lots of image so when I download folder, google compresses them in zip and then it downloads. but I'm not able to download the images. I don't know since when it started happening or which version because my Firefox browser is on auto-update.

This is a strange one. Basically, when I try to extract the content of a zip file using Windows Explorer (Win 7) to a mapped network drive, I only get one file (after several seconds). If I use WinRAR, everything is fine.

I'm not sure if this pertains to your issue, but I've encountered a similar issue when using Windows Explorer to copy the contents of a Zip file to a network share (*without* using WinZip to open the Zip file). Client is running Win 7 Pro 64-bit in a domain, destination is a file share on a Win Server 2008 R2 sys. Able to copy the Zip file contents to local drives no prob. Found a M$-suggested workaround: disable SMBv2 and restart. This resolves the issue, but M$ recommends against permanently disabling SMB2, and I can't expect my users to go through the dance of disabling SMB2, restarting, copying the files, re-enabling SMB2 and restarting just to copy some files. Anyone have any better ideas for solving this problem? 2351a5e196

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