Technical / policy experience


2022: Asia and the Pacific: Poverty Research Frontiers for Asia and the Pacific (With: Asian Development Bank; Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department). 

2017-18: Myanmar - Multidimensional Welfare Measurement (With: World Bank; Department of Population, Ministry of Labour, Government of Myanmar).

2014-17: Philippines - Technical assistance to the Philippines Statistics Authority on Household Survey Program and Poverty Measurement; Measurement of multidimensional poverty in the Philippines (With: World Bank; Philippines Statistics Authority, Government of the Philippines).

2013-16: Timor-Leste - Technical support to the Third Timor-Leste Survey of Living Standards 2014; New Estimates of Poverty for Timor-Leste.2014 (With: World Bank; Ministry of Finance, Directorate of National Statistics; Government of Timor-Leste).

2009-10: Nepal - Design and implementation of the Third Nepal Living Standards Survey, 2010 (With: World Bank; Central Bureau of Statistics, Government of Nepal).

2006-08: Timor-Leste - Design and implementation of the Second Timor-Leste Survey of Living Standards 2007; Timor-Leste Poverty Assessment (With: World Bank; Ministry of Finance, Directorate of National Statistics, Government of Timor-Leste).

2005-09: China - China Poverty Assessment (With: World Bank; Government of the People’s Republic of China).

2002-04: Papua New Guinea - Papua New Guinea Poverty Assessment World Bank; Papua New Guinea: Public Expenditure and Service Delivery: Survey and Report (With: World Bank; Government of Papua New Guinea).

1999-01: Philippines - Philippines Poverty Assessment (With: World Bank; Government of the Philippines).

1996-99: Egypt - Design and implementation of the Egypt Integrated Household Survey, 1997; Egypt Food Security Research Project (With: IFPRI; USAID; Government of Egypt).

1996-99: Mozambique - Poverty and Well-being in Mozambique: Research and Capacity Building Project (With: IFPRI; Government of Mozambique).

Contact: Room E961, Menzies Building, Monash Business School, Monash University, Wellington Road, Clayton VIC 3800, Australia

T: +61 3 9905 5835 
