C/O 2019 Step 2 Advice #1

If Step 1 is a lifestyle, then Step 2 is a job. That is, studying for step 1 becomes your life for about 2 months whereas Step 2 is a solid 8-5 for a few weeks. The following are some resources I used to see what others were doing for Step 2 and my own write up.


Zanki Step 2- I did not use this deck but it seems like a great anki deck. Also has Step 2 and clerkship advice from Zanki themselves.



[includes http://blog.amandaxi.com/2015/04/08/usmle-step-2-ck-includes-a-study-plan-tips-for-success/ and https://www.brown.edu/academics/medical/sites/brown.edu.academics.medical/files/uploads/Brunner%20Step%202%20CK%20Study%20Plan.doc]


My Schedule

I had three major goals for my dedicated period: Do all UWorld questions (~2200), both UWorld self assessments, and Form 7 and Form 8 of the Comprehensive Clinical Science practice NBMEs (aka, the two most recent practice NBMEs). Therefore, I took the ~2200 questions from UWorld and divided it by 40 for a total of 55 blocks. Extrapolating out by doing 2 to 4 blocks plus a day each for the UWSA and NBMEs, my approximate study time was 3 weeks. My days generally were from 8AM-5PM although you can certainly study for longer or shorter than that. Besides the above, I also made my own anki cards on questions and concepts (total, 2000 cards), specific OnlineMedEd anki decks on my deficiencies, and Dustin's Step 2 Secret Deck. The resulting schedule looked like this:

The following is how I did on UWorld and my UWSA x2. My NBME score was 275. My actual Step 2 CS score was 272.


Overall I was much less stressed about Step 2 than Step 1. I think it helps to think of it as all of the shelfs of third year mashed into one test, and, hey, you've already done all the shelfs, right? For that reason, I think that Step 2 feels easier than Step 1, although objectively it is not really too much easier. Studying hard for the shelfs during third year pays off during Step 2. Also, I have friends who studied for 1.5 weeks and 6 weeks; they both did great. Pick a schedule that works for you and dig in!

Step 2 CS


One of the hardest parts of Step 2 CS is scheduling the test and creating a study plan. My advice for scheduling CS is to I took Step 2 CS 10/23/2018, which was the first week of my interview month as seen below. My advice is to schedule Step 2 CS for the earliest possible date you think you might take it. Those dates will fill up fast and it will be much easier to pick a later date.

My study plan for Step 2 CS was pretty haphazard compared to Step 1 and Step 2 CK. My wife and I studied off an on for two weeks while we traveled and visited families. The most we ever studied in one day was four hours; we also took many days off studying during that time. Our studying was more goal driven rather than schedule driven. Our goals for My wife, who I studied with, and I had a set of gAnother recommendation is to try and take the test with a friend. We were able to switch roles between being the standardized patient