My Science

Research Interest: 

My research interest is in astrophysics and specifically in Computational astrophysics (Quantitative spectroscopy), Photo dissociated region (PDR), and Quasar absorption lines, Novae, X-ray binaries,  Astrochemistry, and Gender inequality in science education.

My  publication list can be found at my Google Scholar page

My brief CV: 

Name: Gargi Shaw

Nationality: Indian

Contact Address: 

704 Meghnad, 

TIFR housing complex, 

Homi Bhabha Road, 

Mumbai- 400 005 

Phone: 02222783215 

e.mail : 

Positions held : 

DST Women Scientist, TIFR (2017- ),

Faculty, Department of physics, UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Science, University of Mumbai, Kalina Campus, Mumbai- 400 098 (2010-2016 )

Research Interest: 

Broadly: Astrophysics

Specifically: Computational astrophysics (Quantitative spectroscopy, Photo dissociated region (PDR), and Quasar absorption lines), Physical conditions in the early universe, Novae, X-ray binaries, Astrochemistry. I am also interested in the outreach programme of science education 

Education and qualifications:

Post Doctoral Scholar, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR, INDIA (Jan,2008 - Dec, 2009) 

Post Doctoral Scholar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky, USA (2005-2007)

Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy (2005)

University of Kentucky, USA:

Dissertation topic: Role of molecular hydrogen in star-forming regions 

Supervisor: Prof. Gary Ferland 

Master of Science in Physics (2001)(Special paper: Experimental condensed matter)

University of Kentucky, USA (2001) (GPA=3.838/4) 

Master of Science in Physics (1995) (Special paper: Particle physics and field theory)

Visva-Bharati, India

Second rank in Visva-Bharati University

Honors of Science in Physics (1993)

Visva-Bharati, India 

First rank in Visva-Bharati University

Honors and Awards 

Graduate research Fellowship, Center for computational Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

Research Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 

Council of Scientific and Industrial research fellowship and Lectureship (NET)

Qualified for State level eligibility test for Lectureship, West Bengal (SLATE)

Graduate Aptitude test for Engineering (GATE)

Indian National Scholarship for 12, undergrad and graduate study

Visva-Bharati University Scholarship

Second rank, Master of Science in Physics, Visva-Bharati 

First rank, Honors Bachelor of Science in Physics, Visva-Bharati

Member of TMT International Science Development Team (ISDT) for the Stars, Stellar Physics and the ISM.

Other Activities: I am a painter too. My painting got selected for all India annual show (professional category) organized by the Art Society of India and was exhibited at Jehangir Art gallery, 2016. 

Collaborations are welcome.