2024 Innovation Challenge

this year's innovation challenge has ended;
we look forward to seeing you in 2025!

If you’re passionate about innovative solutions to global challenges, then the Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD) Forum Innovation Challenge is for you! This annual competition fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and ingenuity in tackling relevant global problems to improve human life and welfare.

This year, GARD invites participants to submit a 3-minute pitch video on their proposed solution to the challenge prompts. The six teams with the best pitches will be selected to participate in the final live event happening during the GARD 2024 Forum, when an esteemed panel of expert judges will review their work and select the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Winners will be announced at the end of the GARD 2024 Forum.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your ideas and potentially receive support, recognition, and funding up to 500 USD to further develop and implement your solutions. We can't wait to see what you come up with!

For any inquiries, please feel free to email us at gardinnovationchallenge@gmail.com

Team Composition

The 2024 GARD Forum Innovation Challenge welcomes undergraduate and graduate students, and professionals to collaborate and design innovative solutions to global problems. Participants may register as an individual or as a team.

Challenge Prompts

Participants of the Innovation Challenge will submit a 3-minute video describing their innovative ideas to address real-world problems related to food systems, water, or health. Get to know more about the accepted categories below.

Food systems (References: ourworldindata.org, USDA, CDC)

Food systems range from producing, processing, and distributing food to waste disposal and management. They are highly complicated and interconnected with various economic, social, and environmental structures; thus, changes in one aspect of the system often result in changes in another. To make food systems sustainable, i.e., capable of providing food security and nutrition for future generations, they should be made profitable, safe, acceptable to society, and with positive/neutral environmental impact. Challenges in this area include the environmental impacts of food production, food waste, and food safety.

Water (References: UNESCO, UN)

Water is essential for human survival and, as such, central to the growth and development of nations. With the increasing global population and changing climate, managing access to safe, drinkable water and water for food production becomes increasingly challenging. Problems with water also include those that affect aquatic ecosystems. Human activities and consumption generate pollutants like ocean plastics, forever chemicals like PFAS, surface runoffs, and oil spills, which endanger aquatic species. The endangerment of aquatic species, in turn, affects the livelihood of communities and industries dependent on the health and population of these organisms.

Health (References: WHO, CDC, WHO)

Health challenges are intertwined with various environmental, ecological, and social factors. The changing climate influences material transport and the movement of disease vectors, resulting in the emergence of transboundary diseases. The threat of antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms worsens the severity of diseases and infections. Another challenge is the timely access to healthcare. These require reliable and rapid detection strategies and efficient monitoring of pathogens on possible transmission routes. Fair access to healthcare and life-saving technologies are affected by various socio-cultural factors.

Other challenges

Other proposals addressing challenges not previously mentioned are also welcome. Some challenges could include biodiversity protection, deforestation, and social justice, to name a few.

Judging Criteria

Time: The pitch must not exceed 3 minutes in length otherwise it will be disqualified.

Required content: The pitch must cover the points below:


It is important to recognize that certain behaviors are expected when you participate and communicate with people online; these guidelines for online behavior and interaction are known as Netiquette (a social code that defines “good” online behavior). Violating any of these conditions will result in automatic disqualification from the Innovation Challenge.

Online Interaction

Tolerance and Civility

Michigan State University strives to build an academic community with living and learning environments that expects tolerance of viewpoints and civility toward others, whether at public forums, athletic events, in residential communities, classrooms, or laboratories. Personal integrity, professional attitude and conduct, and a mutual respect for diversity of viewpoints and values are expected in this online space. Only by respecting individuals with diverse perspectives and ideas we can build an environment of civility that is conducive to advancing knowledge and transforming lives. Academic disciplinary sanctions may be applied if violating these conditions.


Claiming someone’s work as your own is plagiarism - a serious offense. Professionals who plagiarize may lose their jobs and face lawsuits. Be sure to cite all of your sources when you include any content that is not your own original thought thus giving credit where credit is due.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question #1: Can I work and submit alone?

Answer #1: Yes! You can register as a solo participant.

Question #2: There are ten persons in our group. Can we register as a ten-member team?

Answer #2: Yes! There's no restriction in the number of members in a team.

Question #3: Can I work on my idea to solve a specific problem in our country for the challenge?

Answer #3: Yes! The GARD Innovation Challenge encourages its participants to work on topics that they are most passionate about.

Question #4: Can I just record myself talking about my idea?

Answer #4: It is highly recommended that your pitch comes with a visual presentation so it gets understood better. A typical strategy is to prepare slides and then record yourself while presenting the slide as if you're delivering a webinar.  

Submission form

You may use this link or the QR form to access the submission form.