
We understand that presenting your ideas can be overwhelming. That's why we have compiled some useful resources to assist you, including tutorials and samples of successful elevator pitches from other innovation challenges. We strongly encourage participants to attend mentoring sessions designed to help them prepare their pitch videos. During these sessions, participants can ask questions, seek immediate feedback, and receive tips on how to improve their work.

TUTORIALS & Helpful information

Innovation Challenge Elevator Pitch Tutorial

WHAT ARE SOME KEy Components?

"Aside from catching your audience's interest, there are seven specific things you must address to be sure your audience understands your business."

How To Create A Pitch Deck? 

"The pitch deck is a presentation that entrepreneurs put together when seeking a round of financing from investors. On average pitch decks have no more than 19 slides."

How to Pitch Your Startup?

"A breakdown of the pitch decks used by some of the world's most successful startups. Includes examples, templates, and more help for entrepreneurs."


1st place winner (2024)

2nd place winner (2024)

3rd place winner (2024)

1st place winner (2023)

2nd place winner (2023)

3rd place winner (2023)

Sell Your Idea in 3 Minutes: pitch competition

2022 Happy Valley Capital Pitch Competition 

Mcf Alumni Shark Tank 2022 

Nanowear: pitch presentation

OrthoInsight - 1st Place Pitch

CerebroSense: 1st Place Pitch