Premium Angus BEEF

So, what do we do to offer high quality, wholesome beef at a reasonable price?

We start with a cattle breed known for quality beef, Black Angus. Of course not all Angus beef is high quality, so we study the bulls available for AI and select the sires that have high values in $Beef, $Grid, reasonable rib-eye area, higher marbling content, good disposition, leaner back fat, higher tenderness, and other important traits. These traits are genetically determined and verified by checking progeny. The more progeny sampled, the more accurate the predicted results will be. Each year, heifers with the best potential for improving the herd are selected to replace older cows.

Good mother cows are another top consideration. Cows that have calves easily, take good care of their calves, and supply plenty of high quality milk are crucial to the calves getting off to a good start.

Additional nutrition in the form of quality pasture/baled hay, creep feed (feed available as the calves are able to eat solids), along with salt, minerals, and fresh water are available to promote health, growth, and quality beef.

Handling the cattle in a gentle manner to reduce stress is important to their well-being. We strive to have the facilities and equipment to minimize stress on the cattle and us. It makes working on the cattle much safer and faster. We employ the Beef Quality Assurance Standards (BQA), a national program that provides guidelines for beef cattle production. The program raises consumer confidence through offering proper management techniques and a commitment to quality within every segment of the beef industry. The guiding principles of BQA are based on these core beliefs:​

WE BELIEVE production practices affect consumer acceptance of beef.

WE BELIEVE the BQA Program has and must continue to empower beef producers to improve the safety and wholesomeness of beef.

WE BELIEVE these fundamental principles are the fabric of the BQA Program:
    Empowering people…because producers can make a difference.

          Taking responsibility…because it’s our job, not someone else’s.

        Working together…because product safety and wholesomeness is everyone’s business.​

John has held the Beef Quality Assurance & Beef Cattle Care Training "Comprehensive Certificate" since the program began. We "Target the Brand" by meeting or exceeding the Certified Angus Beef requirements.

We ultrasound our cattle for marbling, rib-eye size, rib and back-fat thickness to keep tabs on how we are doing genetically.

Another important factor in providing quality beef is the processing. We expect a high quality processor responsive to customers that is Wisconsin Department of Agriculture or USDA inspected. We age our hanging beef 2 weeks to improve tenderness. Our customers often discuss their meat cutting orders with the processor to get a better understanding of what cuts, special items, and packaging are available