
Career Advising

Sometimes, we get stuck in a rut. Sometimes, that rut lasts an entire career. You don't have to wait that long!

I believe the biggest thing that holds people back when it comes to a career change — or revamping one's ideas about "careers" in general — is the feeling that there are no resources. In other words, people say to themselves, "I wouldn't know where to start."

I say that that's the perfect place to start: a blank slate. In this day and age, there is an overwhelming number of resources avaialable.

Do you need someone to come alongside you? Do you need fuel for your fire and a step-by-step structure for how to reach your goals? Gamut Academy will provide both passion and precision.


Gamut Academy offers a number of classes with a focus on small groups. These are perfect for homeschool co-ops or parents looking for private classes.

See the full list here.

College Planning

High school is nearly over (or is already over), and you're unsure what the next step is.

What college should I attend?

What major should I take?

Should I go to community college first?

Should I consider a trade school?

Should I take a gap year?

How do I get grants?

What is FAFSA?

Are my grades good enough for scholarships?

When do I take the SAT?

Do colleges accept the ACT?

Where do I find my transcripts?

The questions go on and on! But don't worry. Gamut Academy will sort you out. There are a lot of flying pieces, but they can all be handled.


If we're lucky, the words come easily. Often enough, there's a vast chasm between what we want to say — and figuring out how to say it well. I'm not even going to mention all the elusive grammar rules that can bog us down.

Don't let syntax get in the way of your content. If you are looking through a window at a garden, you want to focus your attention on the garden. You don't want to be distracted by dirty streaks on the window.  Similarly, a reader wants to focus on what you are saying; a reader doesn't want to be hindered by how you are saying it.

If you want help refining a piece of writing, Gamut Academy is on the job. Click here for more information.



Passion Projects

What dream has been bubbling in the back of your brain for years? Have you been stewing a book idea forever? Do you imagine running your own store? Do you want to make money on the side selling your paintings? Are you trying to figure out how to market your music?

You have access to everything you need: the talent, the resources, and the audience. The challenge, however, is making a step-by-step plan to put them all together. That's where Gamut Academy comes in.

If you think it  can't be done, get ready to have your world shaken.

The only thing that will really stop you is giving up. It won’t be easy. There is no quick fix. There is no one-size-fits-all — but it is possible. You will be equipped with the momentum and resources necessary to attain your goals.


Whetstone Courses

Sometimes, you only want an introduction to a certain skill without committing huge resources to the endeavor. That's why Gamut Academy offers 4-hour lesson packages at a reduced rate for specific disciplines:

Other Educational Resources

Are you looking for writing prompts, a course on publishing your own book, origami lessons, or simply something to spark your imagination? Check out Shop Gamut for additional resources!