About Nathan

Hi! I'm Nathan Rudolph. I've been tutoring since 2005. I first discovered my passion for teaching in high school when I helped an underclassman with a geometry project. He needed help understanding the relationship between surface area and volume. About a week after we sat and talked through the details, he came back to me to announce the great grade he had gotten.

Since then, I received my teaching certificate in 7-12 mathematics, and I've expanded my repertoire beyond that. Another deep passion of mine is writing literature. Alongside the creative elements of writing, I have devoted myself to understanding the intricacies of grammar and composition. This has allowed me to guide writing students to great success.

Mathematics and English language arts quickly spill into many other subjects, and I have enjoyed the privilege of teaching nearly everything under the sun. One of my favorite extracurricular endeavors was teaching an origami class.

Between finishing college and starting my own tutoring business, I worked for many other tutoring organizations. I mostly worked with students one-on-one, but I did teach a few small classes, including an SAT preparation course for Valley Forge Military Academy. I also spent a year and a half working as a director for A+ Test Prep & Tutoring.

When I'm not teaching or tutoring, I'm working on one of my own writing projects: writing my next novel or formatting the most recently completed. I play guitar, Dungeons & Dragons, and board games whenever I get the chance. I have plenty of hobbies that fill my time as well.