gamut [gam-uht], noun

the entire scale or range

• About Me •

I have tutored nearly every subject under the sun.

I'm Nathan, and I love learning! I also love helping others learn. I’ve had the privilege of teaching everything from calculus to creative writing, life skills to business development. If you’re looking for something specific, here’s the full list of services that I offer.

I would love to chat with you about your academic needs. In the meantime, there are a number of frequently asked questions that I've answered ahead of time for you.

Subject matter is the initial goal.

You have to prepare for a test. You need to pass a class. You’re filling out a job application. You’re revisiting long-since-forgotten skills. There are so many stories that spark the phrase, “I need help.”

My ultimate goal, however, is to develop confidence, independence, and resourcefulness. In essence, I want to work myself out of a job by teaching you (or your student) how to teach yourself!

• About You •

Do any of the statements below sound like you?

Fill out the form below to see how Gamut Academy can help!

• Testimonials •

Allexx - Student at Thomas Edison University

Nathan revised my final paper about understanding canine body language. I am atrocious with spelling as well as in need of aid restructuring my thoughts into more coherent sentences. Nathan was wonderful with this. He was patient, encouraging, and matter of fact: just what I needed to produce an amazing paper. I couldn’t have done it without his guidance.

Becky - Mother of Logan, College Student

As a parent of a college student talking calculus 1 & 2, Nathan has been incredible helping my son. Taking pre-calculus during a pandemic in HS did not set him up for the difficulties of the challenging college calculus courses. Nathan has been a calming guide for him as well as helping him with physics and chemistry. My son last fall saw him in person and this fall over zoom, and both have been working out great. Nathan is awesome and communicates well with both of us.

Jen - Mother of Calvin, 9th Grade Algebra Student

I am so pleased to share that Calvin earned an A- on his algebra final. This would not be possible without your great help! Thank you so much!

Kirk - Student at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

When writing, it's so easy to become stylistically stagnant or to avoid asking why I'm choosing certain words over others. When Nathan proofread my work, he broke up my writing habits and caused me to reevaluate it. He has a remarkable gift to see through my fluff and help make my language more precise. I am a better writer because of Nathan!

Lori - Mother of Garrett, 11th Grade Student

Nathan and Garrett connected well beginning at their first session.  While tutoring in Algebra, Geometry, and Trig,  Nathan helped him learn how to approach, think, and work his way through the problems, instilling understanding and confidence in his math abilities. Nathan is flexible, teaching a session on how to solve mass, density and volume problems that were part of a chemistry chapter. We highly recommend Nathan!

Nancy - Mother of Austin, 11th Grade Student

Austin had a terrific experience with Nathan. He became better organized, more thoughtful in budgeting his time with test preparation, and learned how to challenge himself when he was studying. Nathan's approach was exactly what he needed. We are grateful to him for allowing Austin to achieve his goal and get to the college of his choice. He was also able to maintain the necessary GPA that earned him a scholarship.

Nason - 12th Grade Statistics Student

Nathan was very flexible with schedule and format. He tailored needs to course material and personality and was genuinely interested in student success. He also explained concepts clearly and with proper pacing and assisted in setting and reaching long and short term goals.

Roselyn - Graduate School Applicant

Nathan helped me with my doctor of physical therapy application essays and GRE test prep. I was very overwhelmed, but Nathan helped me concentrate on one task at a time, pushed me to challenge myself, and made me believe in myself. Because of him, I achieved the scores I needed and essays worthy of a graduate student.

Savannah - Ceramics Artist

Nathan is not only an incredibly enthusiastic human but also has the unique talent of bringing that enthusiasm out in you. He really brings ideas to life. I have always struggled with my writing. I have so many thoughts, ideas, and stories that get scrambled up when I try to put them onto paper. Nathan helped me organize my thoughts by getting to know more about me. He helped me write my artist statement, which I use when showcasing my work. Nathan really made a difference for me and my work.

Shilpa - Mother of Keshav, 2nd Grade Student

Nathan is a dedicated educator. He took extra time to get to know my son, not only as a student, but as a person. He individualized his approach to teaching my son, allowing him to learn and grow confident in his own abilities.

William - 12th Grade Student

Mr. Rudolph was an astounding teacher, a man who, very genuinely, cared for his students. Instead of getting upset or ill tempered when a student couldn't grasp a concept, even if it was simple, he worked and worked until they could. He didn't just see each student as a source of income, but instead as young adults who, if pushed in the right direction, could aspire to do great things. His efforts, conversations, and charismatic endearing personality have been remembered quite clearly for the past two years and will remain with me for more to come.

Yadir - Mother of 12th Grade Calculus Student

Mr. Nathan is awesome! He's knowledgeable, patient, respectful, and very punctual!


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