

This class is designed to give students a strong grasp on fundamental geometry principles as well as the significance of geometry in everyday life. Students will gain confidence with geometric formulas and a handful of practical applications.

The course will start with a refresher on algebra skills and then dive into the basic elements required for constructing geometric figures: points, lines, planes, etc. This will allow us to work through angles, shapes, transformations, logic, measurement, and more. While most of the time will be spent exploring the core facts, we will also pursue projects that help us see real life applications.




The class is 36 weeks long, running from the weeks of September 11 to May 12.

Sessions will occur on Wednesdays, 2:30–4.

The class is designed for a minimum of 8 students.


The full year costs $900 per student, which amounts to $25 per class.


Depending on the class flow and student pacing, we may address some or all of these topics and possibly more.