English Language Arts


This class is designed to equip middle school students with the fundamentals for reading and writing—and to teach how to use each to improve the other. Students will gain a comfortable familiarity with everything from persuasive essays to creative fiction.

This class will cover everything from formal grammar to delivering poetry. The ultimate goal is to learn the value of words in a variety of contexts. We will do this by evaluating other’s literature, creating our own, sharing pieces in theatrical fashion, editing, exploring multiple styles, and more.



Reading List:


The class is 36 weeks long, running from the weeks of September 11 to May 12.

Sessions will occur on Wednesdays, 12:30–2.

The class is designed for a minimum of 8 students.


The full year costs $900 per student, which amounts to $25 per class.

Since the first half of the year will focus on more formal writing and the second half on more creative writing, students can choose to attend only one semester. Accordingly, the price would be halved.


Depending on the class flow and student pacing, we may address some or all of these topics and possibly more.