Performing Your Own TedTalk

Base XP: 90

Learning Target(s):

  • Recognize an increasing range of text structures and how they contribute to meaning

  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understanding and extend thinking

  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts, using various genres, forms, structures, and styles

This quest builds upon the fundamentals covered in the quest HERE.


For this assignment, you will prepare and deliver a presentation in the style of a TED Talk. The TED format has become a popular form of presentation, where a speaker addresses their audience on a topic that is made clear in the presentation’s title. The speaker’s words are accompanied by a visual aid, usually a slide presentation that augments the message. Your speech will include only audio - no visual aids - unless you want to record a video of yourself instead of just audio.

Officially, TED talks are 18 minutes long, but in recent years, audiences have seen more variety in the length of these presentations.

Load your response into OneNote or the dropbox HERE, and let me know when it's ready for assessment. For 15 bonus XP, share your critique on MS Teams with our class, so others can learn from your viewing experience.

As always, let me know if you require additional XP.