Start Here!

Getting Started is as easy as 1, 2, 3 (4... 5.... and a half....)

Ok, so that doesn't sound THAT easy... but it really is!

This course is designed for you to choose your own pathway through the learning quests, but in order to do that comfortably, you need to complete 5 (and a half) required quests that will teach you the ins and outs of how this Gamified English 12 course functions.

Step 1: Click on the Quest Chain root link at the top of the page, or HERE to head to the required quests and get started.

Step 2: Watch all the videos, read all the 'stuff', and complete these introductory quests. They should leave you feeling ready to start choosing quests that interest you, while working towards two goals:

      • Completing the required number of eXperience points (XP) within the 16 week time frame to earn that grade that you desire.

      • Preparing a broad and varied body of evidence (work that you create) to show that you have learned and understand each of the Big Six learning concepts for this course. This will form the basis of your Final Portfolio (read more HERE).

Step 3: Using the plan that you create during Getting Started with the Quest Chain, choose a quest that interests you and start learning and collecting your eXperience points.

REMEMBER: Communication is vital! Please, please, PLEASE contact me if

          • You have troubles

          • You want support

          • You have a question

          • You want to tell me about your day

          • You want to change a quest or make one up on your own

          • You heard a really good song and think I should hear it too

My job is to coach you through this and help activate your learning, so don't feel afraid to get in touch!