Speaking Skills

Base XP: 40

Learning Target(s):

  • Recognize an increasing range of text structures and how they contribute to meaning
  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understanding and extend thinking
  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts, using various genres, forms, structures, and styles

Spoken word is a fundamental mode of communication. We use it daily and in nearly every aspect of our lives. It makes sense, then, that as we develop new modes of communication, they do not replace spoken word but, instead, they enhance it. They augment it.

TED Talks are a prime example of this augmentation. While many people enjoy watching TED Talks, probably because one exists for nearly every topic imaginable (and the collection continues to grow), it is unlikely that many people would voluntarily deliver one. The fear of public speaking can sometimes be overwhelming. The following TED Talks address this issue from a perspective that considers public speaking a SKILL that can be learned - not as an elusive talent that is gifted to just a few lucky folks.

Take some time now to explore the TED Talk library. This can be done at https://www.ted.com/talks as well as on YouTube.com. Find a talk that addresses a topic in which you are interested. Watch carefully to see if these presenters are practicing the techniques outlined in the videos above.


  • Summarize the topic of the TedTalk you select and watch (make sure you give me the address for it and its length as well).
  • Now, write a critique... How well did the speaker follow the instructions given in the videos above? If they were your student, what grade would you give them and why? What feedback would you give them (two stars and a wish? something to do differently next time?)
  • Finally, explain why you wouldn't/wouldn't recommend this video for other people. Who would be a target audience? Why is it successful (or not)?

Load your response into OneNote, and let me know when it's ready for assessment. For 15 bonus XP, share your critique on MS Teams with our class, so others can learn from your viewing experience.

As always, let me know if you require additional XP.