This is a reasonably technical document. If you aren't technically inclined, and you just want an easy way to connect your gamecube controllers to a PC, you might be interested to know that a ready made adaptor already exists. It's called the Skillz Cube Connection USB and is only sold by Lik-Sang as far as I'm aware. It only works with the original Nintendo Gamecube controller (it is not compatible with the Wavebird or any 3rd party controllers).

With no controller attached, the gamecube probes for a controller by sending the sequence 000000001 about every 12ms. The oscilloscope trace below shows a typical probe sequence, with the 'scope triggered on the negative edge. When you connect a controller it will respond to this sequence, so you know that it is attached. More work is needed to examine the initial conversation between the Gamecube and controller to see if there is any useful information (e.g. about what type of controller is attached?)

Gamecube Rvz Download


So recently a friend of mine purchased a gamecube for nostalgia purposes and paid a pretty penny to get it. However as of right now it is having some major issues. 1. The disc reader seems to be struggling to read discs sometimes, if not at all. 2. If it does read the disc, it completely crashes within five minutes. Got any ideas on what this could mean or if its even fixable? ff782bc1db

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