Games and Artificial Intelligence Multidisciplinary Summer School 2024


GAIMSS will gather researchers and students in game theory from mathematics, computer science, and economics at the Université de Lorraine in Metz from June 24-28 2024.  This includes a three-day summer school followed by a two-day workshop.

The conference will start on Monday morning and end on Friday evening. Participants will have plenty of time for vibrant discussions and interactions, fostering collaborations across our diverse communities.

For any inquiries, please send an email to

A detailed program can be found here.

The summer school will consist of three courses, each of which will be 6 hours long and distributed over three days:

Roberto Cominetti 

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

The workshop will consist of plenary talks, flash talks, and a poster session. The event will have a dinner on Thursday.