I am a permanent CNRS researcher in Mathematics at Institut Mathématique de Toulouse, Toulouse School of Economics. I work on various topics at the intersection of stochastic games, dynamic optimization and Hamilton-Jacobi equations. I am the PI of the ANR project ``Convergence of Zero-Sum Games Dynamics'' (CONVERGENCE).
I did my PhD in Applied Mathematics at GREMAQ lab of the Toulouse School of Economics, under the supervision of Jerôme Renault.
My PhD topic was the study of long term equilibrium in dynamic games. I defended in September 2015. Here are my thesis and my CV.
I defended my ''Habiliation à Diriger des Recherches'' in January 2022, coordinated by Pierre Cardaliaguet. The manuscript can be found here.
Email: firstname.familyname at cnrs.fr
Office: Toulouse School of Economics, T588
Mailing adress:
Toulouse School of Economics,
1 Esplanade de l'Université,
31000 Toulouse