Group Actions, Geometry and Cohomology

Alan Turing Building, University of Manchester, UK, 10-12 July 2024

The theme of the workshop is the study of interactions between representation theory of groups and group schemes, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and group cohomology. There will be research talks by invited speakers and contributed talks. The workshop will start in the morning on Wednesday 10 July and finish in the afternoon of Friday 12 July. For more details see the Programme page.

Invited Speakers


Registration is mandatory through the relevant page, with deadline the 31st of May. If interested in giving a talk please express your interest in the form, and one of the organisers will get in touch. 

Financial Support

Limited financial support will be made available to PhD students and/or early career researchers, following a selection process. Please declare your interest in the form, and one of the organisers will get in touch.


The workshop will be held at the University of Manchester, and talks will take place in the Frank Adams room on the 1st floor of the Alan Turing Building.


Peter Symonds, Kostas Karagiannis (University of Manchester)


The workshop is funded by the EPSRC through grant EP/V036017/1, Cohomology and Actions of Groups.