
DG Economics, Statistics and ResearchLabour Market and Structural AnalysisBank of Italyvia Nazionale 91 - 00184 Roma – ItalyTel:  +39 06 4792 2342e-mail:


I'm a senior economist in the Households and Labour Market Division at the Bank of Italy. My research interests in the fields of labor economics, economics of migration and applied econometrics

In 2020-22 I served as economic advisor to the Italian Minister for relations with the Parliament. I obtained my Ph.D. from the Department of Economics at the University of California, Davis. Check out my contributions on VoxEU and, my NBER, RePEc and Google Scholar pages and Twitter account. I'm also affiliated to the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti. Please download my CV here.


Submissions to the 7th BoI/CEPR Labour Markets and Institutions Workshop are open! The Workshop will take place in Rome on September 19-20. Keynotes by David Autor and Claudia OlivettI. Apply here by May 10:

I'll be spending the first half of 2024 t STICERD-LSE as visiting fellow!