Worker flows and reallocation during the recovery (with Domenico Depalo and Salvatore Lattanzio): replication files are here.

Unsafe jobs, labour market risk and social protection (with Tito Boeri, Alessandro Caiumi and Marco Paccagnella): the data are available here (previously circulating as "New hazardous jobs and worker reallocation": the data of the old version are available upon request)

Immigration and labor market outcomes in the US: Correlations and mechanisms, 1970-2010 (with Giovanni Peri): ​folder with data and codes used in the paper (revised October 22, 2016). Please email me for further questions

IPUMS MIGPUMA/MIGCOGRP to Commuting Zones crosswalks: please email me to get access. Commuting Zones (CZs) are aggregations of counties based on Census commuting patterns that delineate local labor markets boundaries for the 50 U.S. and D.C. (see David Dorn's webpage). The Census public use microdata as available on IPUMS collects information on the county groups and county PUMAs of residence five years before the survey. The crosswalks that I make available provide a probabilistic matching between these geographic units and the CZs, thus allowing to better track migration in and out of a CZ between the mid-decade and the Census year