language & voice services

Welcome to my professional language and voice services website.

Please, take a look at my offer on the following pages:

Translation & Proofreading




Discounts for neuroscientists, behavioralists, mental health professionals!

Take a look at Corallo Bianco if you're among the latter.

Customer Feedback

From the audience, hosts and guests

Amazing, Amazing rich, and thought-provoking conference!! Gabriella, I have worked with many translators and you are phenomenal! Thank you all for this extraordinary experience!

M. DeS.

Thank you so much, such a great encounter - and Gabriella made such a fantastic work translating, I am impressed!

Thank you so much to all organizers, participants, and Gabriella who did a great job!

B. D.

I've been beyond impressed, as we all were, of your stellar interpreting for Martin Miller, English to German and German to English at Who's Afraid of Alice Miller? conference. Personally, I experienced your outstanding interpreting from English to French and from French to English at Forum de l'Enfance Libre. As these were not enough you additionally offer Italian, Spanish, and Sicilian. I have no idea how you contain all these languages but I know with absolute certainty that I'll definitely recommend you when I hear about a need for interpreting in the languages that you work in.

Thank you again for your loving service.

Very best,


Thank you for your excellent and heart-centered work and for being an integral part of this endeavor!

With love and appreciation,


Dear Gabriella,

I want to thank you first for the work you did in our recent conference on Who's Afraid of Alice Miller, and on transgenerational trauma. I could easily write at length about your ability to follow, remember and translate, back and forth, all that was being said. Instead, I will just say briefly that you kept Martin and all of us so connected together that it did not feel like a strained communication across a divide, but rather a sustained connection with each other. Your good spirit came through, your intention to hold us all in a spirit of respect and appreciation and comprehension.  Such a gift to all of us, such a gift from you. 


I am sending you my warmest and best wishes,

M. B.

Zuerst einmal ganz lieben Dank, wie Du mir mit der Übersetzung geholfen hast und auch mit den Apps.  (...) Deine Übersetzung war für mich auch super. (...) und nochmals herzlichen Dank für Deine Unterstützung gestern,

M. M.

Feedback from a twelve-year-old British student learning French


Hello Ms Gabriella!

I wanted to thank you so much for all of your help -  you were super sweet and supported me on everything and it helped me so much. 

Now that I look back on our notes I really appreciate all of the work and effort you've done for me! :)))

A. :)

Feedback from an online conference producer

November 2021

Chère Gabriella,

Juste un petit mot pour te partager les retours nombreux et très positifs concernant la table ronde,  mais plus précisément sur ton travail, la précision, le champ lexical complètement maitrisé, la valeur ajoutée de ta présence, le niveau que ta traduction donne au programme, ta voix et ton allemand, ta posture impeccable, ton professionnalisme et tes bonnes réactions, « elle donne du chien au programme » ( j’ai rigolé) classe et académique ect 

Il y a dans le forum un avant et un après Gabriella et j’en suis ravie. Encore merci pour cette experience. Les gens espèrent te revoir dans un autre entretien et moi aussi. 


Bien à toi, 



19 November 2021 Facebook Live

English - French  French - English

10000000_261760385970572_9130667976774218161_n excerpt.mp4

18 November 2021 Facebook Live, YouTube Recording

German - French   French - German

10000000_296132435753285_1717638362119374400_n excerpt.mp4

5 November 2021 YouTube Live

German - French   French - German

TR excerpt.mp4

30 May 2021 Facebook and YouTube Live

Italian & Sicilian - English   English - Italian

Gabriella's Sicilian Happy Hour 30 MAY 21 excerpt.mp4

22 March 2021 Facebook and YouTube Live

Italian - English  English - Italian

10000000_319420133346794_1236494535782963736_n excerpt.mp4


Spring-Summer 2021 YouTube Four-Part Documentary 

Italian - English  English - Italian

2016 Research & Collaboration with Argentinian Journalist

on 1-€-Houses in Gangi

Italian - Spanish


2012 Swiss Olive Farm Owners. Overall Assistance & Real Estate Finder

Italian - Swiss German    Swiss German - Italian

2010 Film Subtitling 

Italian - English   English - Italian

2010 City Tourism Brochure 

Italian - English proofreading & translation (reprinted from 2003-2004)