
Gabriella Becchina

gabriellabecchina AT

email • mobile • whatsapp • telegram • viber • skype • messenger • hangouts • meet • zoom • classroom • streamyard • teams • gotomeetings
Please, use this contact information solely for professional purposes and after viewing my service offer on this website. Thank you!

English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Schweizerdeutsch (Baseldütsch), siciliano, traces of Latin and Ancient Greek

Work Experience:

English《-》German《-》French《-》Italian interpreting.

Spanish -》English《-》German《-》French《-》Italian translating.

Clients include tourism & travel agencies, lawyers, insurances, medical doctors and mental health professionals. Subjects international contracts, law suits, copyright affairs, testimonies and other civil matters such as real estate deeds and business establishment, simultaneous translation at online conferences, audio projects, recordings and voice-overs. 




University of Basel, French Linguistics & Literature, Art History, Classical Archaeology 1992-1997

Columbia University, Masters of Art (M.A. in Art History) 1997-1998

Columbia University, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. in Art History, not graduated) 1998-2003