Authors/speakers in mental health, neurosciences, and transcribers/translators, please visit the Translators & Transcribers Needed tab, thank you.

What's Corallo Bianco?

The Corallo Bianco project wished to amplify essential voices in psychology, sociology, neurosciences, parenting, and personal growth, so they get heard across cultural and language barriers. Corallo Bianco aspires to facilitate access to transformative works to a community of viewers, listeners, and readers of all ages and from around the world.

Corallo Bianco strives to develop into a hub hoping to attract transcribers and translators to donate their time and skills to work on papers, videos, and talks by professionals and dedicate themselves to spreading their important message in several languages.

Many more people everywhere need access, and language shouldn't be one more barrier!

social media tags: #corallobianco #corallobiancotips #mentalhealthsupport #spreadmentalhealthtools

Excerpted from a December 2021 feedback letter to Gabriella (the founder)

regarding her translation & interpreting at a psychohistory conference:

(...) "I set out to write this message of appreciation to you, and now read what you have written about the larger project(s) you are committed to and the area of the world you are engaged in. Your words are powerful, your description of the Southern-Italian area painfully evocative, your larger intentions inspiring. I have been paying attention to reports from various parts of the world about what life is really like, about how the present is infiltrated by historically still very alive trauma and traumatizing ways. At the same time I have been working with my own heritage as a great-grandson of the Irish 'potato famine' and the repercussions still cascading down into my own life.  If you have written more about the Southern-Italian world, I would very much appreciate the opportunity to read it.  (...)

It is clear that you are engaged in a deep and constructive, heart-felt way with the world of therapists, with trauma, with understanding, and with the intent to heal, on many levels, and that you offer therapists great assistance. I feel fortunate to have made your acquaintance and hope to follow your work and stay in touch.

As for myself, I am a retired therapist living in the U.S., a Board Member of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Network, and Vice-President of the IPA group from which the conference sprang, as well as doing writing of my own. (...)

I am sending you my warmest and best wishes"

M. B.