Main Publications

Dissecting Inequality-Averse Preferences 

with Marcelo Bérgolo, Santiago Burone, Mauricio De Rosa, Matias Giaccobasso and Martín Leites

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, vol. 20, 782-802. 

[Last version; IZA Discussion Papers 14828].

ladiaria, Blog FCEA-UdelaR

Advanced Technologies and Worker Voice 

with Filippo Belloc and Fabio Landini

Economica, 2022, 90: 1-38. (Open access). 

Featured in: OECD.

Digging into the Channels of Bunching: Evidence from the Uruguayan Income Tax 

with Marcelo Bérgolo, Mauricio De Rosa, Matias Giaccobasso and Martín Leites 

The Economic Journal, 2021, vol. 131, 639, 2726–2762. (Open access).


Employee Representation and Flexible Working Time 

with Virginie Pérotin

Labour Economics, 2019, 61, 101755.

The Hidden Benefits of Abstaining from Control 

with Simon Halliday and Fabio Landini 

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018, 147 (c), 1-12. 

LSE Business Review

Equality under Threat by the Talented: Evidence from Worker-Managed Firms 

The Economic Journal, 2016, vol. 126 (594), 1372-1403. 

LSE Business Review | Featured in: Bloomberg, The Socialist Entrepreneur, RES Media Briefings. 

Workplace Democracy and Job Flows 

with Guillermo Alves and Andres Dean

Journal of Comparative Economics, 2016, vol. 44 (2), 258-271.

Are Worker-Managed Firms More Likely to Fail Than Conventional Enterprises? Evidence from Uruguay 

Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2014, vol. 67 (1), 202-238. 

Featured in: Shareable, Truthout.

New Evidence on Wages and Employment in Worker Cooperatives Compared with Capitalist Firms 

with Andres Dean

Journal of Comparative Economics, 2009. Vol 34 (4), 517-533.

Other Publications

Coevolution of Job Automation Risk and Workplace Governance

with Filippo Belloc, Luca Cattani, William Ellis and Fabio Landini

Research Policy, 2022, Vol. 51 (3), 104441. 

[Last version: IZA Discussion Paper No. 14788]

Featured in: OECD.

Falling inequality and the growing capital income share: Reconciling divergent trends in survey and tax data

with Mauricio De Rosa, Andrea Vigorito and Joan Vila

World Development, 2022, Vol. 152, 105783.

[IZA Discussion Papers 13070].

Corporate Hierarchies and Workplace Voice 

with Filippo Belloc and Fabio Landini 

Journal of Institutional Economics, Accepted

[IZA DP No. 13717]. 

Complementarity in Employee Participation Systems 

with Takao Kato

Zimmermann K. (ed.) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics.  

[GLO Discussion Paper]

Like principal, like agent? Managerial Preferences in Employee-Owned Firms

with Guillermo Alves, Pablo Blanchard, Mariana Chavez and Andrés Dean 

Journal of Institutional Economics, 2021, 18(6), 877-899. (Open access). 

[IZA Discussion Paper No. 12330] 

Revisiting the Objectives of Worker-Managed Firms: an Empirical Assessment 

with Andres Dean

Economic Systems, 2012, vol 36 (1), 158–171.