









ところが、昆虫では、テロメラーゼが失われて特殊なレトロトランスポゾンによりテロメアを維持しているキイロショウジョウバエ(Drosophila melanogaster)や、テロメア反復配列に特異的に転移するレトロトランスポゾンを持つカイコ(Bombyx mori)など、テロメア構造や維持機構が多様化しています。






11) Osanai-Futahashi M, Fujiwara H. (2011)

Coevolution of telomeric repeats and telomeric repeat-specific non-LTR retrotransposons in insects.

Molecular Biology and Evolution 28: 2983-2986

10) Mitchell M, Gillis A, Futahashi M, Fujiwara H, Skordalakes E (2010)

Structural basis for telomerase catalytic subunit TERT binding to RNA template and telomeric DNA.

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 17: 513–518

9) International Silkworm Genome Consortium (including Osanai-Futahashi M.) (2008)

The genome of a lepidopteran model insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori.

Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38: 1036-1045

8) Osanai-Futahashi M, Suetsugu Y, Mita K, Fujiwara H (2008)

Genome-wide screening and characterization of transposable elements and their distribution analysis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori.

Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38: 1046-1057.

7) Tribolium Genome Sequencing Consortium (including Osanai M.) (2008)

The genome of the model beetle and pest Tribolium castaneum.

Nature 452: 949-955.

6) Maita N, Aoyagi H, Osanai M, Shirakawa M, Fujiwara H (2007)

Characterization of the sequence specificity of the R1Bm endonuclease domain by structural and biochemical studies.

Nucleic Acids Research 35: 3918-3927.

5) Kawashima T, Osanai M, Futahashi R, Kojima T, Fujiwara H (2007)

A novel target-specific gene delivery system combining baculovirus and sequence-specific long interspersed nuclear elements.

Virus Research 127: 49-60.

4) Osanai M, Kojima KK, Futahashi R, Yaguchi S, Fujiwara H (2006)

Identification and characterization of the telomerase reverse transcriptase of Bombyx mori (silkworm) and Tribolium castaneum (flour beetle).

Gene 376: 281-289.

3) Matsumoto T, Hamada M, Osanai M, Fujiwara H (2006)

Essential domains for ribonucleoprotein complex formation required for retrotransposition of telomere-specific non-long terminal repeat retrotransposon SART1.

Molecular and Cellular Biology 26: 5168-5179.

2) Anzai T, Osanai M, Hamada M, Fujiwara H (2005)

Functional roles of 3'-terminal structures of template RNA during in vivo retrotransposition of non-LTR retrotransposon, R1Bm.

Nucleic Acids Research 33: 1993-2002.

1) Osanai M, Takahashi H, Kojima KK, Hamada M, Fujiwara H (2004)

Essential motifs in the 3' untranslated region required for retrotransposition and the precise start of reverse transcription in non-long-terminal-repeat retrotransposon SART1.

Molecular and Cellular Biology 24: 7902-7913.