

Hirosumi Uchiyama, Yoko Takasu, Minoru Moriyama, Kazutoshi Yoshitake, Hironobu Uchiyama, Tetsuya Iizuka, Keiro Uchino, Genta Okude, Yutaka Banno, Seigo Kuwazaki, Kimiko Yamamoto Shunsuke Yajima, Hideki Sezutsu, Toshiki Tamura, Ryo Futahashi, Mizuko Osanai-Futahashi*

A novel monocarboxylate transporter involved in 3-hydroxykynurenine transport for ommochrome coloration.

bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.01.543243 


 20)     Osanai-Futahashi M*, Uchino K, Tamura T, Sezutsu H. (2022) The red egg gene as a novel effective egg color marker for silkworm transgenesis. 
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Volume 143, April 2022, 103728 *Corresponding author

カイコの赤卵変異体、red egg (re)の原因遺伝子を用いた、肉眼で判別可能な遺伝子組換え卵色マーカーを報告した論文です。
re変異体に正常なBm-re遺伝子を遺伝子組換えで導入することにより、卵の色が赤から野生型に戻すこと(transgenic rescue)に成功しました。


 19) Tomihara K, Satta K, Matsuzaki S, Yoshitake K, Yamamoto K, Uchiyama H, Yajima S, Futahashi R, Katsuma S, Osanai-Futahashi M*, Kiuchi T*. (2021) Mutations in a β-group of solute carrier gene are responsible for egg and eye coloration of the brown egg 4 (b-4) mutant in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 137, 103624 *Corresponding authors


b-4の原因遺伝子の正体は、ショウジョウバエのmahogany (mah)のオーソログであるMFSトランスポーターで、b-4の卵と複眼では、オミンと推定される難溶性のオモクローム色素の合成が影響を受けていました。

18) Enomoto R, Kurosawa A, Nikaido Y, Mashiko M, Saheki T, Nakajima N, Kuroiwa S, Otobe M, Ohsaki M, Tooyama K, Inoue Y, Kuwabara N, Kikuchi O, Kitamura T, Kojima I, Nakagawa Y, Saito T, Osada H, Futahashi M, Sezutsu H, Takeda S. (2017)

A novel partial agonist of GPBA reduces blood glucose level in a murine glucose tolerance test. 

Europian Journal of Pharmacology. 814: 130-137

17)        *Osanai-Futahashi M, Tatematsu K, Futahashi R, Narukawa J, Takasu Y, Kayukawa T, Shinoda T, Ishige T, Yajima S, Tamura T, Yamamoto K, *Sezutsu H. (2016)

Positional cloning of Bombyx pink eyed white egg locus reveals the major role of cardinal in ommochrome synthesis. 

Heredity 116:135-145  *Corresponding authors


16)        Mun S, Noh MY, Osanai-Futahashi M, Muthukrishnan S, Kramer KJ, Arakane Y. (2014) 

A Major Facilitator Superfamily protein encoded by TcMucK gene is not required for cuticle pigmentation, growth and development in Tribolium castaneum

Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 49:43-48


15)        Takasu Y, Sajwan S, Daimon T, Osanai-Futahashi M, Uchino K, Sezutsu H, Tamura T, Zurovec M. (2013)

Efficient TALEN construction for Bombyx gene targeting. 

PLoS ONE 8(9):e73485  


14)        Suetsugu Y, Futahashi R, Kanamori H, Kadono-Okuda K, Sasanuma S, Narukawa J, Ajimura M, Jouraku A, Namiki N, Shimomura M, Sezutsu H, Osanai-Futahashi M, Suzuki MG, Daimon T, Shinoda T, Taniai K, Asaoka K, Niwa R, Kawaoka S, Katsuma S, Tamura T, Noda H, Kasahara M, Sugano S, Suzuki Y, Fujiwara H, Kataoka H, Arunkumar KP, Tomar A, Nagaraju J, Goldsmith MR, Feng Q, Xia Q, Yamamoto K, Shimada T, Mita K. (2013) 

Large scale full-length cDNA sequencing reveals a unique genomic landscape in a lepidopteran model insect, Bombyx mori

G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 3:1481-1492


13)        *Osanai-Futahashi M, Ohde T, Hirata J, Uchino K, Futahashi R, Tamura T, Niimi T, *Sezutsu H. (2012)

A visible dominant marker for insect transgenesis

Nature Communications 3: 1295  *Corresponding authors

12)        *Osanai-Futahashi M, Tatematsu K, Yamamoto K, Narukawa J, Uchino K, Kayukawa T, Shinoda T, Banno Y, Tamura T, Sezutsu H. (2012)

Identification of the Bombyx red egg gene reveals the involvement of a novel transporter family gene in the late steps of the insect ommochrome biosynthesis pathway. 

Journal of Biological Chemistry 287: 17706-14 

Cover picture, Papers of the weekに選出(Top 1%) *Corresponding author


11)        Osanai-Futahashi M, Fujiwara H. (2011) 

Coevolution of telomeric repeats and telomeric repeat-specific non-LTR retrotransposons in insects. 

Molecular Biology and Evolution 28: 2983-2986 


10)        Mitchell M, Gillis A, Futahashi M, Fujiwara H, Skordalakes E (2010) 

Structural basis for telomerase catalytic subunit TERT binding to RNA template and telomeric DNA. 

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 17: 513–518 


9)        International Silkworm Genome Consortium (including Osanai-Futahashi M.) (2008) 

The genome of a lepidopteran model insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori

Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38: 1036-1045 


8)    Osanai-Futahashi M, Suetsugu Y, Mita K, Fujiwara H (2008) 

Genome-wide screening and characterization of transposable elements and their distribution analysis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38: 1046-1057. 


7)    Tribolium Genome Sequencing Consortium (including Osanai M.) (2008) 

The genome of the model beetle and pest Tribolium castaneum

Nature 452: 949-955. 


6)    Maita N, Aoyagi H, Osanai M, Shirakawa M, Fujiwara H (2007) 

Characterization of the sequence specificity of the R1Bm endonuclease domain by structural and biochemical studies. 

Nucleic Acids Research 35: 3918-3927. 


5)    Kawashima T, Osanai M, Futahashi R, Kojima T, Fujiwara H (2007) 

A novel target-specific gene delivery system combining baculovirus and sequence-specific long interspersed nuclear elements. 

Virus Research 127: 49-60.


4)    Osanai M, Kojima KK, Futahashi R, Yaguchi S, Fujiwara H (2006) 

Identification and characterization of the telomerase reverse transcriptase of Bombyx mori (silkworm) and Tribolium castaneum (flour beetle). 

Gene 376: 281-289. 


3)    Matsumoto T, Hamada M, Osanai M, Fujiwara H (2006) 

Essential domains for ribonucleoprotein complex formation required for retrotransposition of telomere-specific non-long terminal repeat retrotransposon SART1. 

Molecular and Cellular Biology 26: 5168-5179. 


2)    Anzai T, Osanai M, Hamada M, Fujiwara H (2005) 

Functional roles of 3'-terminal structures of template RNA during in vivo retrotransposition of non-LTR retrotransposon, R1Bm. 

Nucleic Acids Research 33: 1993-2002. 


1)    Osanai M, Takahashi H, Kojima KK, Hamada M, Fujiwara H (2004) 

Essential motifs in the 3' untranslated region required for retrotransposition and the precise start of reverse transcription in non-long-terminal-repeat retrotransposon SART1. 

Molecular and Cellular Biology 24: 7902-7913. 


5) 二橋亮・二橋美瑞子(2022)「動物の体色が分かる図鑑」 pp. 262-289. グラフィック社

4) Futahashi R, Osanai-Futahashi M. (2021) Chapter 1. Pigments in insects. Pigments, Pigment Cells and Pigment Patterns, Springer

3) 二橋亮・二橋美瑞子2020カイコの多様な形質. 日本蚕糸学会編「カイコの科学」 pp. 51-53. 朝倉書店

2) 二橋美瑞子2020DNAが動く. 日本蚕糸学会編「カイコの科学」 pp. 45-46. 朝倉書店

1) 二橋美瑞子・二橋亮 (2015) 昆虫の体色・模様の形成に関わる分子機構. 「色素細胞」第2版(慶應義塾大学出版会)


7) 二橋美瑞子 (2022) 


蚕糸・昆虫バイオテック 91: 105-113.

6) Futahashi R, Koshikawa S, Okude G, Osanai-Futahashi M (2022)
Diversity of melanin synthesis genes in insects.
Advances in Insect Physiology, DOI: 10.1016/bs.aiip.2022.03.003 

5)        二橋美瑞子・二橋亮(2016)


化学と生物 第54巻・第6号・631号: 422-428. 


4)        二橋美瑞子 (2013) 


蚕糸・昆虫バイオテック 82: 5-12.


3)        Schumann GG, Gogvadze EV, Osanai-Futahashi M, Kuroki A, Münk C, Fujiwara H, Ivics Z, Buzdin AA (2010) 

Unique functions of repetitive transcriptomes. 

International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology 285: 115-188


2)        二橋美瑞子・藤原晴彦(2008)


実験医学 26:1173-1175


1)        Fujiwara H, Osanai M, Matsumoto T, Kojima KK (2005) 

Telomere-specific non-LTR retrotransposons and telomere maintenance in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

Chromosome Research 13: 455-467.



1)        長内美瑞子(2007)テロメラーゼの制御.日本医事新報 92-93





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2012年12月14日 独立行政法人 農業生物資源研究所



「カイコの卵と眼の色素合成に必要な遺伝子を発見- 肉眼で判別できる

遺伝子組換えマーカーの開発に期待 -」

2012年5月29日 独立行政法人 農業生物資源研究所
