Frequently Asked Questions

Why not call your business

We do not feel that this site should be for only those that have pets. It should include all fur animals (Cats and Dogs) including those who are working/service Animals, and those who accompany humans.

How can I get my business on this site?

All those associated in accomodations for Newfoundland and Labrador should have received an email inviting them to the website in December 2017. If you did not recieve this email, please contact . You will be sent an online survey to fill out. Be sure to have as much detail as possible, as it is there to promote your business.

The details on the site do not match what the business owners are informing me. What do I do?

I understand that business owners change their policies. It is the responsibility of those to contact to notify them of any changes being made. All information collected is directly from the owners/managers of the businesses If anybody finds conflicting information that is different from what is posted, please contact

I love the idea of this site.. What can i do to help?

This site is a non for profit project. We could use all the help that we can get. If you are either a person who enjoys touring the province with your animals, or a business owner who would like to promote your furfriendly business, please share on facebook the link to the website, join us on twitter (, and join the group. Also check the site and google group as many times as possible.