
Sharpen your concentration skills while appreciating artwork housed in the Free Library of Philadelphia's Special Collections!

Ride away on your broom with this puzzle.

Snake vs. bird. The ultimate puzzle battle.

A bird bookplate puzzle from our Pennsylvania German Collection.

A little art deco puzzle fun.

Math + Puzzles = A Great Time!

Piece together preliminary artwork from Virginia Lee Burton's Life Story.

Get into a wintry mood with this puzzle!

This puzzle's a screaming good time!

This croc has a puzzling bite.

This puzzle is designed to drive you crazy. Good luck!

Destroy your boredom with this puzzle!

Celebrate Halloween with this puzzle.

Go on, open the door to this puzzle.

Have a little fun with this puzzle collage made from our "I Voted" stickers.

The book might be mini, but your fun won't be!

Have a montrously good time with this puzzle!

No doubt you'll have a good time.

Knock, knock. Who's there? A bear!

Celebrate Reading with the Free Library's 1987 Summer Reading Poster.

What tale from Shakespeare is this?!?!

This puzzle will hypnotize you with fun.

Steal away and spend some time with this puzzle.

This puzzle's not just a lot of hot air!

Can you find your way around this map puzzle?