Chronicling Resistance

The roots of activism in Philadelphia run deep, and local archives hold innumerable stories of resistance. But many of these stories — those that center historically marginalized peoples — have been diminished, erased, neglected, and buried. Chronicling Resistance: The Exhibition reveals what eight local activists, cultural organizers, and artists unearthed when they dug deeply into the same Philadelphia archives that have historically excluded their voices and perspectives. Through archival items, rare books, oral histories, and original artwork, Chronicling Resistance counters the systemic erasure of Black, Brown, and LGBTQ+ people from the historical record, breaks silences, and uncovers new ways of understanding and enacting resistance.

Parkway Central Library

September 22, 2022 - December 31, 2022

Images & Objects  

Click below to see images and learn more about the objects featured in the Chronicling Resistance Exhibition

Exhibition Photos

Photos of the exhibition, Chronicling Resistance, coming soon.

Click above to learn more about the Chronicling Resistance project, sponsored by the Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collection Libraries (PACSCL) .

Blog Posts  

Click below to read blog posts relating to the Chronicling Resistance Exhibition