NCU Fulbright English Support

@NCU Writing Center

One-on-One Visits Are Now OPEN for Spring 2024

Make an Appointment NOW!

Welcome to our one-on-one support at the NCU Writing Center!

Try out our services at the NCU Writing Center!

Come and meet Mike or Michael at the new NCU Writing Center. The NCU Writing Center is open for any students (undergraduate and graduate)  to practice English!

This is a FREE Service.

Where Is the NCU Writing Center?

寫作中心 (綜教館 O-121)

General Education Building

國立中央大學 綜教館

Your Tutors



We do not offer walk-in sessions, but you can make an appointment starting 1 week before and up to 24 hours before the appointment time.

Making an Appointment

Appointments are now open.

Come see us at the NCU Writing Center!!!

Michael (Wednesdays): Make an Appointment here!

Mike (Fridays): Make an Appointment here!

Once you've made an appointment, Calendly will email you a confirmation.

The link in the confirmation email ("View event in Calendly") will allow you to reschedule or cancel your appointment if needed.


For example, you will only see an option to book an appointment for Wednesday of Week 9 beginning on Wednesday of Week 8.

Calendly will show no appointments in the month if the week's appointments have been filled, but we still have appointments! You just need to wait for them to open up.

There are 12,000 students at NCU and only 16 appointments per week, so students will only be allowed to make one appointment per week with either Michael or Mike. Students can make one appointment every week if they wish to do so.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at

How Can We Help?

...and more! These are some ideas and suggestions, but we would love to help with many types of projects and skills. Just us let know!

Session Expectations

Your tutors will begin by asking you some questions to set a brief agenda for the session. You will let the tutor know what you need assistance with (writing, speaking, reading, listening), and they will then focus on that area during the session. The session is a collaborative process, so you will have a dialogue with the tutor throughout the session. You will read your writing aloud, discuss your presentation, state your concerns, and they will explain concepts about English to help you improve. You will take notes, brainstorm, and make suggested changes throughout the session. Come to your appointment prepared to learn and engage with your tutor. At the end of your time together, the tutor will recap what you covered and provide you with some concrete steps to move forward. We will also ask you to fill out a survey in the last 5 minutes.


Feedback Survey 

We will share this feedback link with you at the end of an English support session. However, if we forget, please fill it out here.

We appreciate all feedback (good or bad). The feedback helps us know how to meet the needs of you and other students. It also helps the NCU Fulbright know what else can be useful to students at NCU.