Drilling Tasks

Activity 1: Counting the Sound

  1. Identify a sound students are having difficulty with.

  2. Create a ppt or handout students can see.

  3. You will ask students to repeat after you. EX:

    • Teacher: Very

    • Students: Very

    • Teacher: Great, we can do it again.

  4. Provide a short reading students can read with the "v" sound.

  5. Split students into pairs.

  6. Student A reads while Student B listens for the sound. Student B counts how many times they heard the "v" sound.

  7. Switch, Student B reads while Student A listens for the sound. Student A counts how many times they heard the "v" sound.

  8. At the end of activity, have individual students read to the class.

Activity 2: Flash Card Sounds

  1. Identify a sound students are having difficulty with.

  2. Create digital flashcards or a PPT students have access.

  3. Review the sounds together as a class where students repeat after you.

  4. Give instructions on the activity:

    • Place cards face down. Students will take turns flipping the cards and saying the sound.

  5. Provide the students with flash cards or digital flash cards.

  6. Split students into pairs.

  7. Give time for students to practice a few times.

  8. At the end, have a class drill or play a game where two people turn around and say the sound on the board or ppt.