Dynamic modulation of enhancer-promoter and promoter-promoter connectivity in gene regulation.

Makino S,  Fukaya T*

BioEssays. doi.org/10.1002/bies.202400101. Review.

Regulatory landscape of enhancer-mediated transcriptional activation.

Kawasaki K, Fukaya T*

Trends in Cell Biology. doi.org/10.1016/j.tcb.2024.01.008. Review.


Enhancer dynamics: Unraveling the mechanism of transcriptional bursting.

Fukaya T*.

Science Advances. 9(31), eadj3366. Review.

Functional coordination between transcription factor clustering and gene activity.

Kawasaki K, Fukaya T*

Molecular Cell. 83(10):1605-1622. [Highlighted in Mol Cell

Dynamic interplay between non-coding enhancer transcription and gene activity in development.

Hamamoto K, Umemura Y, Makino S, Fukaya T*

Nature Communications. 14(1):826.


Mod(mdg4) variants repress telomeric retrotransposon HeT-A by blocking subtelomeric enhancers.

Takeuchi C, Yokoshi M, Kondo S, Shibuya A, Saito K, Fukaya T, Siomi H*, Iwasaki Y.W*

Nucleic Acids Research. 50(20):11580-11599.

Molecular architecture of enhancer-promoter interaction.

Hamamoto K, Fukaya T*.

Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 74:62–70. Review.

Dynamic modulation of enhancer responsiveness by core promoter elements in living Drosophila embryos.

Yokoshi M, Kawasaki K (co-first), Cambón M, Fukaya T*

Nucleic Acids Research. 50(1):92-107.


Dynamic regulation of anterior-posterior patterning genes in living Drosophila embryos.

Fukaya T*.

Current Biology. 31(10):2227-2236.  [Highlighted in Faculty Opinions


Tissue-scale mechanical coupling reduces morphogenetic noise to ensure precision during epithelial folding.

Eritano A.S, Bromley C.L, Bolea Albero A, Schütz L, Wen F.-L, Takeda M, Fukaya T, Sami M.M, Shibata T, Lemke S, and Wang Y.-C*.

Developmental Cell. 53(2):212-228.

Visualizing the role of boundary elements in enhancer-promoter communication.

Yokoshi M, Segawa K, Fukaya T*.

Molecular Cell. 78(2):224-235. [Highlighted in Trends Genet


Large distances separate co-regulated genes in living Drosophila embryos.

Heist T, Fukaya T, Levine M*.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116(30):15062-15067.

Dynamics of transcriptional enhancers and chromosome topology in gene regulation.

Yokoshi M, Fukaya T*.

Development, Growth & Differentiation. 61(5):343-352.  Review.


Temporal dynamics of pair-rule stripes in living Drosophila embryos.

Lim B*, Fukaya T, Heist T, Levine M*.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115(33):8376-8381.

Visualization of transvection in living Drosophila embryos.

Lim B, Heist T, Levine M*, Fukaya T*.

Molecular Cell. 70(2):287-296. [Highlighted in Mol Cell, Faculty Opinions



Fukaya T*, Levine M*.

Current Biology. 27(19):R1047-R1049.  Review.

Rapid rates of Pol II elongation in the Drosophila embryo.

Fukaya T*, Lim B, Levine M*.

Current Biology. 27(9):1387-1391.

2016 and earlier

Enhancer control of transcriptional bursting.

Fukaya T, Lim B, Levine M* (2016).

Cell. 166(2):358-368. [Highlighted in Nat Rev Genet, Curr Biol, Faculty Opinions

CCR4 and CAF1 deadenylases have an intrinsic activity to remove the post-poly(A) sequence.

Niinuma S, Fukaya T, Tomari Y* (2016).

RNA. 22(10):1550–1559.

MicroRNAs block assembly of eIF4F translation initiation complex in Drosophila.

Fukaya T, Iwakawa HO, Tomari Y* (2014).

Molecular Cell. 2;56(1):67-78.

MicroRNAs mediate gene silencing via multiple different pathways in Drosophila.

Fukaya T, Tomari Y* (2012).

Molecular Cell. 28;48(6):825-36.

The role of decapping proteins in the miRNA accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Motomura K, Le QTN,  Kumakura N, Fukaya T, Takeda A, Watanabe Y* (2012).

RNA Biology. 9(5):644-652.

RNA processing bodies, peroxisomes, Golgi bodies, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum tubule junctions frequently pause at cortical microtubules.

Hamada T*, Tominaga M, Fukaya T, Nakamura M, Nakano A, Watanabe Y, Hashimoto T, Baskin TI (2012).

Plant and Cell Physiology. 53(4):699-708.

PABP is not essential for microRNA‐mediated translational repression and deadenylation in vitro.

Fukaya T, Tomari Y* (2011).

The EMBO Journal. 30 (24):4998-5009.

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