We are working to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms of transcriptional regulation during animal development. Regulatory DNAs called enhancers play a central role in controlling the temporal and spatial specificity of gene expression in response to intrinsic and extrinsic signals. It is estimated that more than 900,000 enhancers are embedded in the human genome, suggesting that a typical human gene is regulated by ~40-50 enhancers. Increasing number of evidence suggests that the diversification of enhancer functions plays a critical role in producing the phenotypic complexities of higher eukaryotes during evolution. However, the fundamental question namely "How do enhancers control transcription dynamics at the molecular level?" remains as an outstanding question in modern biology. Using the early Drosophila embryo as a model, we aim to understand the fundamental principles of enhancer function by utilizing a wide range of techniques, including live-imaging, super-resolution microscopy, genome-editing, biochemistry, and quantitative image analysis.

Regulation of transcriptional bursting by enhancers

We are developing live-imaging methods to quantitatively visualize transcriptional dynamics in early Drosophila embryos. These new techniques enable real-time measurement of transcription activity and enhancer function at the single-cell resolution in the context of animal development. Quantitative analysis of resulting visualization has revealed that enhancers regulate gene activity by controlling the dynamics of transcriptional bursting. Our recent studies have further suggested that enhancer-promoter communication is far more dynamic than previously thought, challenging the traditional static "looping model." We are actively working to elucidate the molecular basis underlying the dynamic modulation of transcription bursting during development.

Understanding the molecular mechanism of enhancer-promoter communication

The functions of enhancers are highly regulated through the formation of 3D genomic structures such as topologically associating domains (TADs) and tethering loops. It has also been suggested that non-coding RNAs, such as enhancer RNAs, play an important role in controlling enhancer function. More recently, increasing evidence suggests that many transcriptional regulators and RNA polymerase II undergo dynamic condensate formation in living cells. By combining live-imaging/super-resolution methods with a variety of computational and genome-engineering approaches, we aim to obtain comprehensive understanding of the basic mechanisms of enhancer-promoter communication during animal development.

Airyscan super-resolution imaging of single-molecule RNAs

(Bright foci in the nucleus represent active transcription sites)

Super-resolution live visualization of transcription hubs

(Image from Kawasaki et al., Trends in Cell Biology 2024)

Single-molecule FISH/Immunofluorescence analysis of early fly embryos

(Magenta: even-skipped, Green: fushi-tarazu, Grey: Dorsal)

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