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Our laboratory studies early development of Drosophila embryos to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms of gene regulation in multicellular organisms. We are particularly focusing on the mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by enhancers using a variety of experimental techniques such as super-resolution imaging, quantitative live-imaging, genome-editing, whole-genome sequencing and other new molecular biology tools.

Position Available


We have open postdoctoral positions for highly motivated scientists who are interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms of enhancer-promoter communication and 3D genome organization during animal development. If you are interested in applying for the position, email us!

・Graduate Students

We welcome students from the Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The entrance exam is typically held in early August. For more information, please visit the department's website. If you are interested in joining in our lab, please email us!

Enhancers are noncoding regulatory elements that instruct spatial and temporal specificity of gene transcription in response to a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic signals during development. Although it has long been postulated that enhancers physically interact with target promoters through the formation of stable loops, recent studies have changed this static view: sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs) and coactivators are dynamically recruited to enhancers and assemble so-called transcription hubs. Dynamic assembly of transcription hubs appears to serve as a key scaffold to integrate regulatory information encoded by surrounding genome and biophysical properties of transcription machineries. In this review, we outline emerging new models of transcriptional regulation by enhancers and discuss future perspectives.

Kawasaki et al., Trends in Cell Biol 2024

Functional coordination between transcription factor clustering and gene activity

The prevailing view of metazoan gene regulation is that transcription is facilitated through the formation of static activator complexes at distal regulatory regions. Here, we employed quantitative single-cell live-imaging and computational analysis to provide evidence that the dynamic assembly and disassembly process of transcription factor (TF) clusters at enhancers is a major source of transcriptional bursting in developing Drosophila embryos. We further show that the regulatory connectivity between TF clustering and burst induction is highly regulated through intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). Addition of a poly-glutamine tract to the maternal morphogen Bicoid demonstrated that extended IDR length leads to ectopic TF clustering and burst induction from its endogenous target genes, resulting in defects in body segmentation during embryogenesis. Moreover, we successfully visualized the presence of “shared” TF clusters during the co-activation of two distant genes, which provides a concrete molecular explanation for the newly proposed “topological operon” hypothesis in metazoan gene regulation.

Kawasaki et al., Mol Cell 2023

Dynamic interplay between non-coding enhancer transcription and gene activity in development

Non-coding transcription at the intergenic regulatory regions is a prevalent feature of metazoan genomes, but its biological function remains uncertain. Here, we devise a live-imaging system that permits simultaneous visualization of gene activity along with intergenic non-coding transcription at single-cell resolution in Drosophila. Quantitative image analysis reveals that elongation of RNA polymerase II across the internal core region of enhancers leads to suppression of transcriptional bursting from linked genes. Super-resolution imaging and genome-editing analysis further demonstrate that enhancer transcription antagonizes molecular crowding of transcription factors, thereby interrupting the formation of a transcription hub at the gene locus. We also show that a certain class of developmental enhancers are structurally optimized to co-activate gene transcription together with non-coding transcription effectively. We suggest that enhancer function is flexibly tunable through the modulation of hub formation via surrounding non-coding transcription during development.

Hamamoto et al., Nat Commun 2023

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