Hands-on Sessions

General Information

We highly encourage all school participants to prepare for the hands-on sessions by installing some prerequisites. We advise to do the following before school starts:

NOTE: All hands-on sessions will take place at the Biomedical and Physical Science (BPS) building, room 1400, across from FRIB.


Installation Instructions

git clone https://github.com/NuGrid/NuPyCEE.git

from NuPyCEE import omega

from NuPyCEE import sygma

from NuPyCEE import stellab

export PYTHONPATH="your_path_to_before_NuPyCEE:$PYTHONPATH"

All export commands should be put into your bash file to load it automatically each time you open a terminal.




Instructions on how to run them again can be found in this README file.


Installation Instructions

Installation instructions and more information about the WebNucleo code can be found at the following link

You can work on WebNucleo using the pre-compiled docker image. Docker installation instructions and more information can be found here.

Alternatively, you can choose to install the libraries and the WebNucleo code directly on your PC/laptop by yourself. 


Installation Instructions

Installation via Docker

As an alternative to the usual installation described above, you can use the pre-compiled docker image prepared exclusively for the school at https://hub.docker.com/r/skowrons/talys on DockerHub.

Talys container running; stopping and removing it...Done!

Talys volume already exists.

Starting Talys container... Done!

Installation via script 


Thome = path/to/directory (where you like to have the talys executable)

The TALYS setup has been completed.

You will find a talys executable in your "path/to/directory" directory.

You are all set to run the sample problems in the samples directory with the verified script.


Frequent troubles and solutions

This is done in the subroutine source/machine.f.

If talys.setup has failed to replace the path to the Talys directory in the machine.f do it by editing line 34. 

If any of the aforementioned steps don't work please contact us either via e-mail or in person before the day of the session.

Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification Methods

Installation Instructions

The Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification hands-on session will require a Jupyter notebook.

Advanced Scientific Computing and Statistics Network https://github.com/ascsn/bayesianprimer