Stuart Families,

Due to road conditions in some parts of the county and frigid temperatures, Tuesday, January 16, 2024 is an NTI learning day for JCPS students and staff.  Short-term NTI is asynchronous and self-paced, meaning students will not be receiving live, online instruction from a teacher. 

Stuart Short-term NTI: Stuart Academy’s Short Term NTI Plan 

Stuart Academy's Short Term NTI Plan


Meet the Principal: Mr. Darren Dawson 


Mr. Dawson is a firm believer that we are all better together. As a principal this reflects in his collaborative leadership style that is focused on empowering, motivating and inspiring students and staff.

#BetterTogether: #OneTeamOneGoal


We believe that scholars learn best when they feel safe, loved, wanted, valued and have purpose. Also, they learn better when they experience fun and enjoyment, freedom and independence, and success.  These beliefs impact the Multi-Tiered Support Services (MTSS) system we implement at our school.  Below, we’ve summarized each core beliefs and our KEYS to empowering scholars.