
Allows you to claim an area using a Golden Shovel. 

Opens the Claim GUI, from here you can set flags, create sub claims, sell your claim or subclaim (Think about creating a town)

Note: all claims are done in chunks.

Armored Elytra

We suggest using Protection Enchantments on your chest Plate as this really helps keep your Elytra undamaged far longer.

Aurelium Skills

The command will open the Aurelium Skills GUI. These skills includes many abilities that enhance the player in specialized ways. 


Both of these options will open the Bank GUI allowing you to protect your money, items and even experience from accidental loss in combat or just from the accidental Minecraft death.

Additional Bank locations are to be found at various locations around the world. These locations include Custom builds from previous FWS worlds and some custom villages. All Additional Bank locations will be protected and will have NPC's as well as some either Vaults or signs for use.

Using a sign at the additional Bank locations will also open the Bank GUI and act the same as above


Simply place your Powdered Concrete into a Cauldron and retrieve your Concrete. But keep in mind this uses your water supply up very quickly.

Simply place your Concrete into a Furnace and smelt away the hardened Concrete into a fine Powder once again.


Thats right you can now make many items that used to require crafting and used more supplies for less, Oh and did we mention something can even be undone.

Yep, you guessed it crafting stripped wood and more is now possible using your crafting table.


Opens the BigDoor GUI from where you can create new Doors including Drawbridges, Portcullis, and even a Sliding Door



No commands - Just simply store your books (especially the Enchanted ones) in normal bookshelves. The more of a specific Enchanted Book stored in a Bookshelf around an Enchanting Table the higher chance of that enchantment when using the table. The More of a specific book the higher level too.



Basic chest sorting:

Middle-click (mouse wheel) on ANY inventory slot

Shift + left click on any EMPTY inventory slot

Double click on any EMPTY inventory slot

Shift + right-click on any EMPTY inventory slot

Advanced Chest sorting

Sorts the clicked container (chest, barrel, Shulker box, etc.)

Puts all matching stuff (except Hotbar) into the chest, barrel, etc.

Puts all items (except Hotbar) into the chest, barrel, etc.

Puts matching items from the chest, barrel, etc. into your inventory

Empties the whole chest, barrel etc. into your inventory

CMI - adding a ton of cool stuff    <<This is just some of it>>



And why do you want the Recipe Book...? Well, it's simple there are a bunch of recipes there that you can craft and even uncraft. Oh and we are adding new ones as the game grows and the players show interest.


Place the shop and shift right click with the item you wish to sell.

Next left-click the shop to edit shop block, manage stock, change item being sold, change the price, and more all in a convenient in-game GUI



Example: /if create test ww.test.url 3 3 combined

Produces a map-sized 3 maps by 3 maps and on any item frame within any of the item frames (normal, glow, or invisible frames all work). The Map will automagically fill all of the item frames.

You must use the direct link option when getting your image link, otherwise ImageFrame will not render the image in game.

Suggest site for hosting your ImageFrame images:  img2link 



99% of what you need to do is found using this command

We have a bunch of jobs to choose from including a few specialized jobs. Jobs include bonus rewards and daily challenges.

Item Chest Sorter

Honorable Mentions:

!Those that add Quality of Life features without needing commands from the players!


Void Saving, Improved Drop System, Improved Inpaling/

And no more lost to a portal Tridents


Custom NPC's found around the world clickable for everything from Warping to finding the perfect Job. And maybe even rewarding you


Adds Custom particles you will see around the world in many places such as spawn, at some custom builds and even on those builds of old that we have added just for you.


Adds Custom particles you will see around the world in many places such as spawn, at some custom builds and even on those builds of old that we have added just for you.


Adds double doors open together. And the ability to left click a door to knock on it. Could be useful for a Redstone genius. 


This helpful plugin makes it so no one finds a looted chest in a naturally generated location (Mineshafts, villages etc). But you can still shift break any chest you find removing it for all.