The Craftbook section is color coded.

Based on the level of skill or understanding needed for each element added

What are the 3 colors?

 Green = Simple

Orange = may take some work to understand

Fusia = Complex and Challenging

AI Mechanics - Changing how Mobs work

The vision AI mechanic changes how mobs see you. If you are sneaking past a mob in low light not getting too close to the mob, it may not see you. A mob will also only see you behind walls if you are sprinting. 

The critical bow AI mechanic gives mobs a chance to do a critical hit on you with their bow. This critical hit will set you alight! 

The attack passive AI Mechanic allows mobs to attack passive mobs, like pigs or sheep.

Ammeter  - Imagine Visualizing Redstone Power

Better leads - Giving you more leash options

Stop target - stops the mobs that are leashed by a player from attacking the player. However, keep in mind they will still attack other players.

Mob Repel stops hostile mobs targeting players that are holding mobs of the same type on a leash.

Note this only stops new mobs targeting you so be ready to use at all times.

This feature allows for the creation of communal hitching posts. When the hitch is punched, only the leads attached pop off, the actual hitch is kept on the fence. 

When a player tames a horse or wolf and hitches it to a fence, and someone else were to come along and do the same, only the mobs hitched by the player breaking the hitch would be unleashed. 

Better Pistons - Taking your Piston Game to the next level

Allow you to break blocks using a piston and a sign.

It requires a sign attached to the piston, with the second line being [Crush] 

A fun mechanic that allows you to create bouncing blocks and more.

It requires a sign attached to the piston, with the second line being [Bounce], and the third being the velocity of the bounce. The maximum bounce velocity is 10. 

Allows blocks to be pulled that are farther than 1 block away. 

It requires a sign attached to the piston, with the second line being [SuperSticky], and the third being the number of blocks to pull. The maximum amount is 10. 

Allows you to push blocks further away (even air in-between will not stop you pushing a block up to 10 blocks away

It requires a sign attached to the piston, with the second line being [SuperPush], and the third being the number of blocks to push. The maximum amount is 10.

Boats - Adding a little something extra

Bounce Blocks - Did that block just throw me through the air?

Bridge - Getting over there just got easier

Note signs for a Bridge can be above or below the bridge ends but must be centered

And yes, you can use Redstone Power to control your bridge

Cooking Pots - From cooking to smelting in record time

Note the system can be added to using hoppers for collection and even with some work hoppers to keep fuel flowing. This means that you can do the work once and work smarter not harder.

Door- Shutting out the world

Note: you can use Redstone Power to control your door

Gates- Castles deserve them but so do you

Sorry no mix and match allowed!

Repeat for each row. Make sure the top of the gate is covered.

Note: you can use Redstone Power to control your gate

Glowstone Lighting

Jack O' Lantern

Redstone Jukebox

Light Switch - A cool way to light up a room

Minecarts - Making Minecarts and rails just a little bit cooler

Netherrack - Just got upgraded

Painting Switcher

Pipes - allow you to quickly transfer items from one place to another.