An Invitation to students at

Cardinal Gibbons High School

This is a request to students at Cardinal Gibbons.

Please spread this video.

Send this message to your friends via text message

"Please visit"

See this link to learn more

"Please visit"

Here's the opportunity.

1. Some adults came up with a new type of high school transcript.

2. The adults made a YouTube channel and some videos.

3. The videos are seen by other adults.

4. There is a fireplace in the background and the main presenter talks about "a spidergram."

RESULT: 2200 views in about 22 months.

102 subscribes

Posted in Feb 2017

At this rate by Feb 2021, there will be about 204 subscribes and 4400 views.

What if some teenagers spread this video?

What if the teenagers made a YouTube video that ended with a request for the viewer to "click on Mr. Looney's video and give him a subscribe"?

Can students at Cardinal Gibbons High School spread this video better than adults have spread it?

This little fellow doesn't have a high school diploma, so he doesn't have to worry about his GPA or his score on the SAT.

For the rest of us, we can reduce anxiety by clicking HERE

Your click and share could make Scott Looney's idea go to 2 million views...