In this release, we've introduced several enhancements and fixes to improve user experience and system functionality. A notable addition is the "BlockInterferenceControl=y" option, designed to prevent sandboxed processes from manipulating windows and mouse pointers, although it's recommended to disable this feature in gaming environments due to potential compatibility issues. We've also implemented support for hard links and introduced a new mechanism for terminating non-responsive sandboxed processes.

In this update, we've introduced several key enhancements and fixes. A notable feature addition is the option to prevent sandboxed processes from capturing window images outside their environment, aimed at enhancing security; this can be activated via the "IsBlockCapture=y" setting in SandMan UI. We've also streamlined process management with the introduction of "LingerExemptWnds=n", eliminating exemptions for lingering processes with windows from termination, and added a the suspend all sandbox processes button to the toolbar and menu . Additionally, we've addressed an important bug fix related to symlinks in start menu folders, ensuring smoother system operation.

Thank you to our contributors Yeyixiao and offhub for their inputs in this update.

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Additionally, this update introduces a feature aimed at increasing the privacy of encrypted boxes. When the option IsProtectScreen=y is set, windows of processes operating within boxes with this option enabled will be obscured during screenshot capture or recording, enhancing user privacy.

This is an experimental build it reworks and streamlines the hooking mechanism around SCM related functions which should improve compatibility with newer windows versions. The improved hooking mechanism allows for API call tracing without the need for LogAPI.dll.

This build adds compatibility with windows 11 insider build 26040, 26052 and later, and changes the way the driver handles offset dependent kernel object modifications, the new mechanism allows an offset configuration to be loaded from the registry such that it is possible to update the offsets without rebuilding the driver.

To improve system stability Sandboxie will no longer try to use old known offsets on newer yet not known kernel builds, except when the pc participates in the windows insider program, instead it will disable the token based security isolation and issue SBIE1207 indicating the insecure fallback mode of operation. 0852c4b9a8

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