i am using DOSBox in windows vista 64 and it works great. i only have two minor problems. the first is more of an annoyance. when DOSBox runs it doesn't affect the aero interface, until i go into full screen mode, then it reverts it to vista basic. the weird thing is, when i go back to the normal screen again, it stays in the basic theme until DOSBox is closed, and then it goes back to aero. is there a way for it to not switch it to basic at all?

the reason aero is so good is because of performance. when aero is enabled, everything you see on the screen is rendered with both the cpu and the graphics card. without aero it's all on the cpu like all other versions of windows were. thats why you need a good graphics card to run aero, and thats why you can do much more advanced things without slowing down performance. so running aero is much more than looks its performance. and it's also a hassle when it keeps switching.

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the reason aero is so good is because of performance. when aero is enabled, everything you see on the screen is rendered with both the cpu and the graphics card. without aero it's all on the cpu like all other versions of windows were.

I am trying to run QBasic in my 32 bit installation of windows 10. Qbasic runs just fine, but there is no mouse support. In Windows 7 32 bit , there was mouse support for QBasic, it is not present in windows 10 32bit.

Great post, thanks very much. Brought back memories of a friend of mine showing me how to code in qbasic when we were kids. I am coming to programming relatively late again now and really enjoying it. Coming from a sysadmin background in a Windows shop, powershell got me into it and now I am learning C#. Definitely want to teach my kids programming too even just to get them into logical thinking.

I dont program much.. but in HD i studied from this book and cross trained into C++ using projects from here. This book hasnt changed but has a universal quality.. it sums up the basic of qbasic and can be learned in a semester if not two. For rudimentary concepts its so nice and easy. If there was any hint of any programming knowledge i owe it to qbasic and learned sorting programs. i did my calculus on qbasic as a challenge. Qbasic gets so much flak.. I was happy to stumble on your article with opinion I strongly agree with. I wish everyone would agree qbasic is the best to start kids off. Any knowledge learned will NOT stop anyone from further education (ie C++ or puthon). We all have to master one language anyways. I am getting back to programming as a hobbyist but getting into python. But i will be sure to parallel my education with qbasic and reinforce the concepts. Thanks for this article!!

One other issue with this could be the display adapter that powers the monitor. Depending on the importance of the application, you can uninstall the adapter and use the windows default adapter. THIS PROCESS ALSO WORKS WITH WINDOWS VISTA!

A: QB64 is a BASIC compatible language that creates working Executable files from QBasic BAS files that can be run on 32 or 64 bit PC's using Windows (Vista and newer), Linux or macOS. The goal is to be 100% compatible with QuickBASIC 4.5 plus add hundreds of new abilities such as program icons and custom sized windows and a great retro Editor with builtin help. 0852c4b9a8

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