These books seek to give a rational account of Shi'a theology in contrast with the Ash'ari, Mu'tazili and other theological schools of Islam. The contents of these books are taken from the 8th to the 13th century (2nd to 7th century of Islam).

Most books on Hajj are either manuals detailing the rituals or travelogues describing the event. The Inner Dimensions of Hajj is different; it is a concise exposition of the deeper dimensions of this sacred journey, which is obligatory upon every Muslim who is able to perform it at least once in their lifetime.

Shia Islamic Books In English Free Download

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The Ahlulbayt Bookstore aims to fulfill the intellectual and spiritual needs of people from all walks of life, age and gender, of faith and no faith, through sharing the wisdom of the noble Prophet and his household. We offer a wide range of quality Islamic Shia books easily accessible to speakers of the English language.

I went to good ol Wal-Mart and bought some plain handkerchiefs blue,red, green, and pink. I decided to wear these as my souped up version ofmakeshift hijaab. I have worn handkerchiefs over my hair before; it wasnot a big difference for me. Then came the days of wearing thehandkerchiefs for 2 weeks, maybe three and going out one damp coldmorning without it. It was almost as though I couldnt function. Irealized its time to try the full hijaab. I met another sister, Umme(means Mom in Arabic, but shes like a mom to me), from Maryland via thecomputer. Because I was looking for someone to send me some books, maybesome extra hijaabs. Bless Ummes soul because I went to the mailbox onemorning and got the beloved yellow slip saying you have a box so I wentliterally POSTAL

At the top of the list is The Four Books  , Just like Sihah al-Sittah six authentic Hadith books of Sunni Muslims these are the four best-known hadith collections of Shia Muslims. These are Kitab al-Kafi which in English means The Sufficient Book. Written by Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Yaqub known as Al-Kulayni born in Iran in 864AD. This book is divided into three parts Usul al-Kafi related to theology, Quran, history and ethics, Furu al-Kafi related to legal issues and Rawdat al-Kafi which is traditions, letters and speeches of Imams. It includes more than 16000 narrations.

Authorities also confiscated and, in some cases destroyed, Christian literature in Uzbek and Russian that had been legally imported. For historical and cultural reasons, evangelical pastors generally preach in Russian while offering limited services in Uzbek, the official national language and the one linked most closely to the majority Muslim population. In previous reporting periods, the CRA allowed some materials, such as limited quantities of Uzbek translations of some books of the Bible, to be imported.

The government tightly controlled access to Islamic publications and required a statement in every domestic publication (books, pamphlets, compact discs, and movies) indicating the source of its publication authority. Many books were published with the phrase "permission for this book was granted by the CRA" or "this book is recommended by the CRA," indicating official sanction. Generally, books published under the Muslim Board's imprint (known as "Movarounnahr") contained these phrases, as did other religious works published under the imprint of the state-owned Sharq and Tashkent Islamic University Publishing Houses. A few imported works in Arabic occasionally were available from book dealers. More controversial literature generally was not available in the marketplace. Possession of literature by authors deemed to be extremists or of any literature illegally imported or produced may lead to arrest and prosecution. The government categorically prohibited Nur and other literature it deemed "extremist." A state newspaper reported on August 18 that during the first seven months of the year, customs officials uncovered 108 violations of law and stopped the smuggling of nearly 3,300 pieces of religious material.

On December 2, a Termez online news source reported that a Surhandarya court convicted three female residents of "extremism" based on the finding that the women had delivered religious speeches with the use of CDs and books and imposed two-year suspended sentences.

There was no additional information on the following cases: The January arrest of 40 alleged Nur members in Bukhara and the arrest of 25 military personnel for Nur membership, 12 of whom faced courts martial, as reported by the NGO Forum 18; the April three-year suspended sentence given to Muhammad Ayubkhon Homidov, former rector at Tashkent Islamic Institute, to three years in prison for membership in Nur; the April sentencing by the Tashkent Regional Criminal Court of 25 men to between three and six years for membership in banned religious organizations; the April sentencing by the Jizzakh regional criminal court of 25 men to between two and 10 years in prison (with one suspended sentence) for membership in banned religious organizations; the May Termez court's sentencing of Obidjon Toshpulatov, Chori Tagaev, and Shavkat Mengniyezov to between four and eight years in prison for recruiting new Nur members; the May arrest of eight women for distributing books allegedly promoting religious extremism in the Fergana Valley; the May Fergana regional court's sentencing of 10 persons to between five and eight years in prison for Nur membership; and the June Fergana City court's sentencing of 17 men to five to eight years in prison for membership in Tabligh Jamoat.

There was no further information on the July 2009 raid of the officially registered Tashkent Bahai Center. Officials took six adults and 15 youth between the ages of 14 and 17 years old into custody for questioning. Two of the adults were arrested and detained for 15 days for resisting authorities and four others were fined 13,000 soums ($8) for holding an unsanctioned meeting. In August 2009 officials again entered the center unannounced, demanding to see customs declarations for all books.

On November 9, border guards stopped a group of 23 Baptist youth and their chaperones as the group returned from a church meeting in Kazakhstan. Border guards confiscated books and magazines but returned Bibles belonging to the youth. On November 29, customs officials detained three persons suspected of attempting to bring in illegal religious literature, confiscating 30 books of nine different titles that were considered to have a missionary purpose, as well as dozens of CDs. On December 1, the state press reported that authorities had confiscated religious materials from three individuals, confiscating many CDs and movies from one traveler arriving in Samarkand from Moscow; seven books from an Uzbek citizen in the Navoi airport; and more than 30 books in Tashkent that were considered to be missionary works.

Forum 18 reported two cases in June in which courts found three Baptists guilty of illegally possessing and distributing religious literature. A Fergana City Criminal Court imposed fines of 99,000 soums ($60) against two persons and an Angren court imposed a fine of 165,000 soums ($99), ordering books and DVDs destroyed.

Please see below some of our books published in English; many of our articles in English are also accessible and organized thematically on the CISMOC page at (for our publications in French, see the French version of the Cismoc website). 0852c4b9a8

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