
Bibliometric indicators

Most cited publications: Google Scholar (May 25, 2024)

1. Brain drain and economic growth: theory and evidence (2,098 citations), co-authored with M. Beine and H. Rapoport.2. Brain drain and human capital formation in developing countries: winners and losers (1,860 citations), co-authored with M. Beine and H. Rapoport3. The economics of migrants' remittances (1,677 citations), co-authored with H. Rapoport4.Globalization, brain drain and development (1,632 citations), co-authored with H. Rapoport5. International migration by educational attainment 1990-2000 (1,441 citations), co-authored with A. Marfouk.

Bibliometric indices

Google scholar citation indexCites: 20,648. h-index: 56. i10-index: 119.

Co-authors' network

Min 2 collaborations (left) or 3 collaborations (right) from 1998 to 2022